RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES TO TRAFFIC. Street Opening Permits are generally taken out by entities that need access to subsurface infrastructure, including utility companies and contractors, such as licensed master plumbers. USE OF METERED, AUTHORIZED PARKING AND NO STANDING ZONES IS>. MAY STORE TOOL CART IN PARKING LANE DURING NON-WORKING HOURS. WORK FROM 7 PM FRIDAY THROUGH 6 AM MONDAY. Information on the restoration requirements for sidewalk repairs can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. Special Treatment Projects (STP) hold Any permits issued to work in areas that have a special treatment such as Times Square, Madison Square, Herald Square and other pedestrian plaza areas are automatically placed on hold. DESIGNATED LANDMARK AREA. For building operations, a crane permit is required for all cranes and derricks operating in the street on building construction or related activity under the jurisdiction of DOB, with the exception of truck cranes with telescopic, hydraulic or folding booms, over 50 feet and not more than 135 feet with a maximum rated capacity of 3 tons, for which a construction activity permit has been issued. It also provides cross-references to useful online forms and tools. NORMAL LL14 RESTORATION IS REQUIRED. If the hold is not released, the applicant must contact DDC (DDC contact information is available in Appendix D, Other Agency and Utility Contact Information). SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. LANE CLOSURES MAY NOT OCCUR WHEN TWO LANE CLOSURES OCCUR ON GOWANUS OR ON RAMPS LEADING TO 3RD AVENUE. If a permit is about to expire and the permittee has not completed the work, the permittee must apply for a permit renewal as all work must be performed pursuant to an active permit at all times. Work Site Safety All obstructions on the street must be protected by barricades, fencing, railing with flags, lights, and/or signs placed at proper intervals and at prescribed hours in accordance with the most recent version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the Federal Highway Administration, and the New York State Supplement. If repairs have not been made within the 75 day period, the City may make the repairs and bill the property owner for the cost of the repairs. WALKWAY IN CLOSED LANE. Contact information pertaining to the release of holds by NYC DOT can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. Bureau of Permit Management and Construction Control 130 Stuyvesant Place, 6th Fl. OFF-SITE STORAGE MUST BE PERMITTED SEPARATELY. (718) 391-1937 Form must be notarized. WORK SOUTHBOUND ONLY. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE ALLOWED FOR SIDE WALKS LESS THAN 15 FT WIDE. Manhattan / Central Permit Office The Guarantee Period is considered to be three years on unprotected streets, and up to five years, but at no time less than three years, on protected (recently resurfaced or reconstructed) streets commencing on the restoration completion date. If guide sheets are to be included in a project, they should be included in a subset under that project. It is essential to call New York 811 before digging anywhere, including sidewalks and soil. BEFORE WORK, MUST COORDINATE AND OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM NYSDOT 9A EIC. IF WORK IS MORE THAN 100FT AWAY, YOU MUST FORWARD CERTIFICATION. Cranes may require permits from DOB in addition to NYC DOT. 16 Court Street, 16th floor Tel: (718) 482-4825. Information on restoration requirements following street openings/excavations can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside the City) Tel: 311 or (718) 422-8700, Public Design Commission of the City of New York (PDC) OBTAIN THE MUTCD AT, OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO CURB. Upon receipt of the above and verification for completeness, a Sidewalk Repair Permit will be issued and mailed to the applicant. The milling and resurfacing schedules are organized by borough and are sent electronically each week to utility companies and other city agencies. A one-time Street Opening Permit must also be obtained to install the poles that support the canopy. With advance notice of proposed excavation work, NYC DOT can sequence the timing of the large number of roadway and utility works being undertaken across the city. Insurance and Permit Bonds After initial registration, active permittees must submit proof of all insurance and bonds annually. Workers pour cement during sidewalk reconstruction. Where certification is unobtainable from the manufacturer, certification by the installer may be submitted instead. Fax: 718-584-8628, Brooklyn Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits apply to construction activities that take place within the street and are generally associated with construction work adjacent to the street. SECTION 7: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES TO OBTAIN PERMITS. MUST COORDINATE WITH NYPD PRECINCT C.O. Canopy (CAN) hold A CAN hold is automatically placed on a canopy maintenance permit application until a HIQA inspector performs a final inspection confirming the submitted plans. ALL WORK MUST BE PREAPPROVED BY LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION. The maximum transverse slope permitted for vault covers, gratings and other sidewalk structures is 1" in 5'. Any emergency work on a street that involves a street opening/excavation requires a Street Opening Permit. PARKING OF NON-COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE STREET (ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK) WITHIN WORK ZONES IS PROHIBITED. Kew Gardens, NY 11424 State Standard Drawings See the state links below for available standard drawings. WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR THRU TRAFFIC 7 AM TO 6 PM MON. Who has been found liable by a court or in a proceeding before the ECB of a violation of a rule or order of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of a permit issued by NYC DOT or other applicable law, which violation caused an imminent peril to life or property. LMZ (Lower Manhattan Zone) hold This hold signifies that you are working on a street that falls within the Lower Manhattan Zone (south of and including Canal Street). The notice provisions specified in Section 2-02(g) of the Highway Rules are the minimum required for street operations. 47-40 21st Street - 7th Floor To request release of the hold, the permittee must take out a permit of record for the work that was performed without a permit and then contact HIQA to submit a copy of the permit. (10.5mb), View information on how to navigate and use NYCityMap. Tel: (718) 298-7300 Upon satisfactory payment, the hold(s) will be released. EAU will process the request and fax or call the applicant with an Emergency Street Opening Permit Number, which authorizes the emergency street opening/excavation work. The applicant can also request a new vault license for an existing vault by submitting SCARA plans and make a one-time license fee of $2 per square foot. CONTRACTOR MAY NOT REMOVE OR RELOCATE ANY PARKING METERS OR BLOCK PUBLIC ACCESS TO MUNI-METERS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT PARKING METER DIVISION AT 718-894-8651. For Holds: (718) 222-7231 UPON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION, THIS PERMIT SHALL BE RELEASED OR REJECTED BY THE HIQA UNIT. Send corrections and additions to the Standard Drawings team. Municipal Building Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Manhattan THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK THAT FALLS BETWEEN LANES AND REQUIRES THE CONTRACTOR TO RESTORE THE ROADWAY FROM 1' PAST THEIR RESTORATION TO THE NEAREST CURB FOR THE LENGTH OF THEIR WORK. NJDOT Engineering Department of Transportation Engineering The Engineering area contains most of the reference material needed to design and construct a Capital Program project. DOT currently specifies 3000 Kelvin as the color temperature for all luminaires. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. 165 Cadman Plaza East New York, NY 10007 Street excavations also adversely affect the condition of the streets, reducing the number of years the pavement would otherwise be expected to remain in good or excellent condition following resurfacing or reconstruction, and increasing repair and life cycle costs for the city. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Manhattan NYC Parks & Recreation Chapter 4 describes the processes for executing work in the streets, after permits and approvals are obtained, and the enforcement actions NYC DOT may take to safeguard city streets. A permit is required for new sidewalk installation, repairs, and replacements. A separate permit is required for each street opening activity. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPLUATED HEREIN. THE PERMITTEE MUST HAVE APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT STREET LIGHTING FOR INSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT OF POLES. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. TWO HUNDRED TWENTY OF THE LABOR LAW, PAID TO THOSE SO EMPLOYED. MAINTAIN 1 LANE IN EACH DIRECTION FROM 9AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. All other inquiries: (212) 748-6610 Due to upcoming major building rehabilitation at 1400 Williamsbridge Road. This form cannot be used if the permit has already expired. Report a problem. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the OCMC Office. To release an FCR hold, the applicant must demonstrate that either he or she has begun the CRIA process or that the CRIA statement is not required. The fee for reissuance may be found in Section 2-03 of the Highway Rules. Poles (POL) hold A POL hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit work is for the installation of a pole on the sidewalk, which must be reviewed, approved and released by NYC DOT Street Lighting. Emergency utility access cover openings and emergency street openings/excavations, Permittee telephone number in case of complaints, Contractor's telephone number, if different from the permittee, The permit number under which the work is being performed, The purpose of the street opening/excavation, The start and scheduled completion dates of the work. Further information on responding to Orders may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(e). Some of the activities covered include placement of materials, equipment and temporary structures on the street or movement of construction equipment across roadways and sidewalks. However, if extraordinary conditions are present, the applicant may be asked to meet with OCMC. or Tax I.D. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE BEFORE THE FINAL RESTORATION STARTS SO THAT HIQA CAN MONITOR THE WORK. Canopy design and construction must be in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Details of Construction. Street Opening Permits are designated as the "01" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "01." ALL CLOSURES ARE CONFINED TO 15 FEET TO THE NEW EAST CURB LINE. Details about the exact holiday embargo dates, times, and locations are posted on NYC DOT's Special Traffic Advisory page, generally in mid-October. NO NOISY OPERATIONS MAY OCCUR AFTER 10:00 PM. MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS ALONG EXTERIOR STREET WILL BE IN EFFECT DURING ALL SPECIAL EMBARGOS AFFECTING THE AREA SUCH AS THE POPE VISIT AND ALL STAR GAME. NYPD AGENTS AND VMS BOARDS REQUIRED AS PER MEC01-36. Permits (hazardous storage/operations) (718) 999-2457, New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) Apply for a parking permit. Effective 8/5/19 Closed until Further Notice For design criteria, technical information, finishes, and color specification, refer to DOTs Bureau of Traffic Operations, Division of Street Lighting specifications. With this cursor, users can click on the map to get information about a particular map layer. There are two categories of HIQA holds: Holds for Specific Permit Type or Unique Street Treatment and Holds that May Be Placed on the Permittee. Immediately upon completing the compaction of the backfill of any street opening/excavation, a temporary pavement of an acceptable asphalt paving mixture not less than 4 inches thick after compaction must be installed flush with the adjacent surfaces; or, If plating or decking will be used, the size of the plate or decking must extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the edge of the, Permanently Restored Opening / Excavation. There is no fine associated with a Sidewalk Violation. The canopy maintenance permit is from the "07" Canopy Permit series; the specific permit type to be applied for depends on the land use to which the canopy is being attached. Customer Service: (718) 286-0600, Staten Island Appendices to the Street Works Manual provide additional resources, including a list of common permit types and the supporting documentation required for each permit type, reference copies of applications and required forms, contact information for NYC DOT and other agencies and utilities, a list of the stipulations placed on permits under certain conditions and/or at certain locations, and useful internet links by chapter of the Manual. 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 2nd Floor Kew Gardens, NY 11424 (V) THE AREA CREATED BY EXTENDING THE BUILDING LINE TO THE CURB (THE"CORNER") OR THE AREA TEN FEET FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE CORNER (THE"CORNER QUADRANT"). Utility companies, developers, contractors, and excavators who undertake any type of construction that will impact the street or occupy it with equipment, structures or other installations must obtain a permit. In addition, a second permit must be applied for to maintain the canopy. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE RESTORATION PLANS FOR THIS ROADWAY INCLUDING COLOR MARKINGS AND ANY OTHER INSTALLATION REQUIRED. City Hall, 3rd Floor DURING NON-WORKING HOURS PEDESTRIAN WALK WAY MUST BE MAINTAINED ON SIDEWALK OR ON ROADWAY. THIS WORK HAS PRIORITY OVER OTHER NON-EMERGENCY WORK ON STREET SEGMENT. Kew Gardens, NY 11424 For Further Information: Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits. NYC DOT's HIQA unit inspects work sites for compliance with Title 19 of the NYC Administrative Code, NYC DOT Rules and Regulations, NYC DOT specifications and NYC DOT permit stipulations. Note: All distances indicate measurements from nearest edge of any object to closest edge of vault. MAY ALSO WORK 7PM TO 11PM WEEK DAYS ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEP INSPECTION WITH INSPECTOR ON SITE. CRITERIA & PROTOTYPE FOUND AT: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CURB LANE ONLY RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. Call before you dig. Drawings (Downloads) Standard Sheets - Metric - SI; Standard Sheets - English - USC; (212) 839-8857 (NAME AT LEAST 2). These holds can only be released by HIQA: Cobblestone (COB) hold All permits issued to work on a cobblestone street are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. MAINTAIN 5 FEET FOR PEDS ON SIDEWALKS 15 FEET OR MORE IN WIDTH. If the installed canopy passes final inspection, HIQA releases the CAN hold on the canopy maintenance permit and notifies the original applicant. Tel: (212) 860-1845, Queens There are separate permit applications for governmental work, Canopy Permits, and permit renewals and re-issuance, all of which are explained later in this chapter. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits are designated as the "02" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "02". Further information on responding to CARs may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(d). All Street Opening permit types usually allow for work within 300 linear feet by a width of 12 feet. THE EMBARGO INCLUDES BUILDING OPERATIONS. Tel: 718-286-3170 Following are the steps for permit application, review and issuance at the borough Permit Offices: There are borough permit offices in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. Only in circumstances where the applicant can demonstrate that the work could not have been reasonably anticipated prior to the street resurfacing/reconstruction will an application for a Street Opening Permit on a Protected Street be reviewed. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH DDC'S WALL STREET WATER MAIN PROJECT EIC AT (212)791-8170 PRIOR TO BEGINNING A WORK OPERATION. Connecticut Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering Email: WORK HOURS ARE 7 AM - 8 PM MON-FRI AND 9 AM - 6 PM SAT. Some permit types can also be processed at the relevant borough office. While the situation is evolving, the agency remains committed to applying the principles and proven treatments included in the Street Design Manual to support the health and safety of all New Yorkers. OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. Excavators use those markings to help identify underground facility locations in order to promote public safety and to prevent damage to public and private property. (16 NYCRR Part 753), Additional information can be obtained by contacting New York 811 at 800-272-4480, or visiting the New York 811 Website. While the files are presented here in .pdf format, the source drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .dgn files. back to top N New York 811, Inc. An Occupancy of Sidewalk Permit is required when either more than 3 feet from the property line is obstructed by a fence or a minimum of 5 feet of clear path cannot be maintained for pedestrians, or as otherwise stipulated. Deleted or Superseded Standard Sheet documents are accessible through the links in the second table below. (If the homeowner is using a contractor, the contractor must be registered with NYC DOT and must take out the permit.) THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIFIC TRAVEL LANE RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. For complete NYC DOT requirements regarding the performance of work in the street, please consult the Highway Rules and NYC DOT specifications. SPECIAL PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW WHEN RESTORING TRENCHES IN RECENTLY PROTECTED RECONSTRUCTED ROADWAYS: 1. (718) 391-1110 SECTION 6: LEGAL ENTITY PERSONNEL: OFFICERS/ DIRECTORS/ MANAGING AGENTS/ OWNER/ PARTNERS /MEMBERS /INDIVIDUALS, ETC. Tel: (718) 430-1877, Brooklyn CGL insurance. The first and most expeditious option (see Diagram 2), is by using the DOT on-line NYCStreets Permit Management system. While Davit and Round poles are also standard poles, cost comparisons to the SS refer to the Octagonal. VARIANCE GRANTED TO WORK DURING SCHOOL HOURS AS STIPULATED BY O.C.M.C. The Bridge Hold Map shows locations where Bridge holds apply. PERMITTEE MUST CONTACT DOT TRAFFIC & PLANNING OFFICE BY EMAIL AT. LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO 11/16 AND REMOVED BETWEEN 01/02 AND 01/15. Emergency work will not be placed on hold and shall proceed in accordance with Highway Rules, Section 2-11 (g). NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS PERMIT UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACTIVE TYPE 204 PERMIT TO MAINTAIN THE FENCE & AN ACTIVE TYPE 215 PERMIT. A full review will typically take between one or two business days. If the insurance is not current, the request will be denied. The second option is available for applicants who do not have the technology to use the above procedure. **DOT's lighting division generally classifies cross streets as local roadways*DOT's lighting division generally classifies avenues and boulevards as collector roadways. RESTORE CONCRETE BASE. Staten Island, NY 10301 Connecticut Department of Transportation Freeway, about 619-001: Temporary Positive Barrier (6 Sheets), about 619-002: Type III Construction Barricades (2 Sheets), about 619-004: Portable Temporary Wooden Sign Support, about 619-005: Details on Placement of Portable Temporary Rumble Strips, about 619-010: Work Zone Traffic Control General Notes, about 619-011: Work Zone Traffic Control General Tables & Legend, about 619-022: Shoulder Closure/Lane Encroachment, Official Electronic Standard Specifications and Standard Sheets website, 619-001: Temporary Positive Barrier (6 Sheets), 619-002: Type III Construction Barricades (2 Sheets), 619-004: Portable Temporary Wooden Sign Support, 619-005: Details on Placement of Portable Temporary Rumble Strips, 619-010: Work Zone Traffic Control General Notes, 619-011: Work Zone Traffic Control General Tables & Legend, 619-022: Shoulder Closure/Lane Encroachment. NOVs carry a monetary fine and place the matter under the jurisdiction of the New York City Environmental Control Board (ECB). Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. If all information is satisfactory, EAU will fax or call the applicant with an EAN, which must be available at the work site and presented to any governmental employee upon request. Only one Emergency Street Opening Permit Number is required for a specific work location. It also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. AN EMBARGO WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THIS AREA SATURDAY AUGUST 2, 9 AND 16 FROM 12:01AM TO 6:00PM. OCCUPY ONE 11 FOOT LANE 10 PM TO 12 PM NIGHTLY. All addresses must be the same on all above referenced documents. OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO NORTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO EAST CURB LINE, OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO WEST CURB LINE, OCCUPY 11 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO NORTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 11 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 11 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO EAST CURB LINE, OCCUPY 11 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO WEST CURB LINE, OCCUPY 20 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO NORTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 20 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB LINE, OCCUPY 20 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO EAST CURB LINE, OCCUPY 20 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO WEST CURB LINE. OCCUPY TWO 11 FOOT LANES 12:01 AM TO 5 AM NIGHTLY. After repairs are complete, the property owner can contact 311 to schedule a Sidewalk Violation Dismissal. All materials used for backfill must be free from bricks, blocks, excavated pavement materials and/or organic material or other debris. NYC DOT accepts and processes applications by mail for sidewalk repair performed by private homeowners. NYC DOT also routinely meets with utility companies and others who perform street excavations to inform these organizations of upcoming events and major construction projects with which NYC DOT is involved. Attn: Forestry MUST COMPLY WITH DEP NOISE REQUIREMENTS. WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR WESTBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 AM-4 PM, SATURDAYAND SUNDAY, WITH NO NOISY OPERATIONS AFTER MIDNIGHT. WORK ALLOWED 7 PM TO 6 AM NIGHTLY. This New York 811 marking shows where a cable television line is located beneath the sidewalk. Coordinating street work in accordance with the principles of this section will help to minimize delays and disruption to road users, businesses and residents and help extend the useful life of city streets. 22 Reade Street During the processing of the permit, if there is a hold, the applicant is notified of the type of hold and the steps the applicant must take to release the hold. Upon completion of updates, the holds will be released. Copies of incorporation papers, licenses, and business certificate or filing receipt filed with the state of New York. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. The contact information and hours of operation can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. There is a central Permit Office in Manhattan and borough Permit Offices in each of the other boroughs. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. Long Island City, NY 11101 TWO SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. Fax: 212-720-3488, Queens CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING", "NO STANDING", "NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Queens Coordination aims to reduce street excavation work on recently repaved streets. Office hours: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, From 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday to Friday, call: (212) 839-9660/61/62 Notices of Violation (NOVs)/Summonsesare issued when there is a violation of laws, rules, regulations, specifications, or stipulations.
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