Applications must include all materials determined necessary by the City Administrator. A person who transfers development rights and all persons who have any lien, security interest, or other interest with respect to development rights held by a transferor. Downtown Commercial/Retail (C2). These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. Newly annexed areas shall be zoned AG during the annexation process. Failure to comply with Consent Agreement. If the City Administrator determines that the work or site is in compliance, he may authorize the work to proceed in writing. A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including sale of alcoholic beverages when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than fifty (50) percent of the gross income. The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. A region measured outward from the trunk of the tree representing the essential area of the roots that must be conserved or preserved for the trees livelihood. Enclosed Storage. 3. authorize a variation from the terms of the zoning ordinance (Chapter 4) of this Code. Restaurants are specifically excluded from this definition. Best Management Practices (BMPs). A use providing education or training in business, commerce, language, or other similar activity or occupational pursuit, and not otherwise defined as a home occupation, college or university, or public or private educational facility. Recommendations regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments may be by [sic] made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A. B. Streetlights installed prior to the adoption of this Code. 2. The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this Chapter: 1. 3. The City Council shall make a final decision on any variance request from floodplain or stormwater management regulations. The purpose of this Section is to describe lot development standards for both residential and nonresidential lots. A binding Site Plan for the Conditional Use Permit must be approved by the City Council in order to approve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. 4. A PUD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land use not permitted by other zoning districts in this code or to permit development projects that existing districts do not easily accommodate. 3. Farming activities, including but not limited to plowing, tillage, cropping, installation of best management practices, seeding, cultivating, and harvesting for production of food and fiber products (except commercial logging and timber harvesting operations), the grazing and raising of livestock, aquaculture, sod production, orchards, nursery, and other products cultivated as part of a recognized commercial enterprise. If the Comprehensive Plan is amended, the Code should also be amended if found to be necessary or advisable by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Condominium. If an owner, occupant, or other person repeats the same violation, within a five-year period from the date of the initial violation, it shall be considered to be a repeat of the initial violation and shall be subject to additional penalties and remedies. Criteria for Approval. General. New developments or improvements of existing developments should consult the City of Liberty Hill or appropriate utility provider for compliance. It shall be the duty of the City Council and the City Administrator, acting on behalf of the City Council, to enforce the requirements of this Code. Dwelling Attached. The floor area of structures devoted to bulk storage of materials, including, but not limited to grain elevators and petroleum storage tanks, multilevel storage racks shall be determined on the basis of height in feet, i.e., ten (10) feet in height shall equal one (1) floor. A permit issued, or to be issued, by the City Administrator, authorizing work on a historic resource within a designated historic district or landmark. After each application receives final action, the next consecutive application in the Code process will be reviewed for completeness pursuant to the appropriate process. All Nonconforming Signs that were erected in violation of the ordinances of the City in existence at the time the sign was permitted or should have been permitted, and which violation was or has not been cured, shall, upon written notice, be required to be brought into compliance with this Section or removed within a reasonable time frame specified by the City Administrator, but not to exceed 30 days. H. The Board of Adjustment is responsible for final action. 5. Any electrical sign having a continuous message flow across its surface by utilizing lights or other electrical impulses that form various words and/or designs, including but not limited to time and temperature signs. 20. Performance Bond. Landing fields, aircraft parking and service facilities, and related facilities for operation, service, fueling, repair, storage, charter, sales, and rental or [of] aircraft, and including activities directly associated with the operation and maintenance of airport facilities and the provision of safety and security. The total block length in any case shall not exceed one thousand three hundred and twenty (1,320) feet except in Nonresidential, Multifamily, and Agricultural Residential Zoning Districts, where the block length may not exceed ten (10) times the minimum lot width permitted in the district. City approvals, including but not limited to building, repair, plumbing, or electrical permits, shall not be issued by the City for any structure on a lot in a subdivision or on a parcel for which a final plat or site development permit has not been approved and filed for record. B. E. Pavement. Some of these procedures may be followed concurrently, while some procedures require pre-approval of other procedures. Prior to final approval of any plan within the City Limits, the City Engineer must certify to the City Administrator that all requirements for a TCEQ Stormwater Permit are met by the site plan. Any variance request up to ten (10) percent of any minimum or maximum measurement required by this Code may be treated as an Administrative Exception if the City Administrator agrees to recommend the Administrative Exception. A vehicle built on a single chassis that is four hundred (400) square feet or less at the longest horizontal projection, self propelled or tow-able, and designed primarily for temporary living while traveling or camping. A barrier made of wire, wood, metal, masonry, or other material used as a screen or enclosure for a yard or open space. City Hall 409 N Calhoun St West Liberty, IA 52776. The notice shall include a description of the violation, the date such violation was noted, instructions to contact the City Administrator to apply for a permit for the sign, if applicable, and the fine schedule if the notice is not heeded, refused or unclaimed. The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and rear lot line of a lot, measured within the lot boundaries. Any radio, television or communication antenna or tower for uplink, downlink, relay, broadcast or reception of communication signals, but not including either mobile transmitters and receivers or any such facilities with a transmission power of less than seven (7) watts. B. Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation. Review and Approval. Press CTRL+F5 to refresh and reload this page. There are three types of final plats. Plat note stating: Building setbacks shall be in accordance with Chapter 4, Zoning and Lot Design Standards, City of Liberty Hill Unified Development Code. However, for lots abutting any street designated as minor collector or higher in classification, all lot lines abutting such higher order streets shall be deemed front lot lines. Also means, potable or nonpotable water from dripping or leaking pipes, valves, plumbing or fixtures, or seep water, rain water or stormwater entering in sewer lateral lines on private property through cracks, pipe joints, openings or other defects in the lateral line[.]. Nonconforming Sign. Notice of the decision by the City Council shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the permit holder of the variance or the special use permit. This district is appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or mixed use as a land category. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the following monument and ground control requirements of this Code are met: A. Stockyard services involving the temporary keeping of livestock for slaughter, market or shipping. Outparcels may be the subject of a record plat or resubdivision provided the lot(s) created meet all requirements of the Ordinance Code [sic] prior to plat approval. A building, or portion thereof, containing three (3) or more dwelling units. Document. H. Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of sills to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties. B. Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits. The overlay zoning districts address special siting, use and compatibility issues that require use and development regulations in addition to those found in the underlying zoning districts. The prevention of soil movement by any of various vegetative and/or structural means of soil movement. After approval of an administrative plat, the subdivider shall notify the City Engineer within ten (10) days which of the following construction procedure(s) the subdivider proposes to follow: 1. The CRZ is measured as one foot of radial distance outward from the trunk for every inch of the tree caliper, and may not be less than a radius of eight feet[.]. Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance, or window cleaning services. City Council.. A yard extending along the full length of the rear lot line of the zoned area. Sidewalk or Sandwich Sign. E. A stormwater permit approved by the City is condition[ed] upon approval of all applicable related permits required from the Texas Environmental Quality Commission (TECQ), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or any other state or federal agency being issued by that agency. Waterfowl. If notice of intent is given, suspension or revocation shall not occur before the time for compliance has expired. B. No sign or supporting structure that is altered under the provisions of this section shall be made more nonconforming. In addition to the general criteria for consideration of administrative procedures in Section 2.03, the City Administrator will determine, based on analysis of the requested interpretation, and considering this Code, the correct interpretation for whatever question is raised. The City Administrator or the Councils designee shall provide clarification when uncertainty exists as to the current boundaries of districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map. Design and construction of infrastructure in the City and ETJ shall be consistent with the policies and guidelines established in the most recent versions of the Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan. Table 3-4: Summary of Required Public Hearings, Appeal of Denial of Building Permit (sign-related). Basement. The Letter of Regulatory Compliance certifies that specific uses of land and any new development is in compliance with the requirements of these development regulations. Community Service Signs. Abandoned Vehicle. After receiving an application for recognition of vested rights, the City Administrator shall review the application and approve, deny or request additional information to be provided by the applicant for consideration within twenty (20) working days. Chapter 6 contains general standards applicable to all land development, standards applicable only to nonresidential site development, and standards applicable only to residential development. L. any other conditions the Commission deems necessary to insure compatibility with surrounding uses, preserving public health, safety, and welfare, and to enable the Commission to make its findings. A statement indicating that the omission of a limitation or restriction shall not relieve the Applicant of the necessity of complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws; x. 3. Furthermore, the financial institution shall be reviewed and approved in advance and the letters of credit or bonds shall conform to forms or criteria approved in advance by the City Council. This chapter addresses policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan and legal requirements for the adequate provision of infrastructure for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Liberty Hill and its surroundings. Back-to-Back Sign.. A sign constructed on a single set of supports with messages visible on any side. The party responsible for the sign shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall (a) forfeit both the sign and any permit associated with the sign; and (b) pay the fines set by the court, not to exceed the fines specified by this Code for each violation. Side setbacks shall reflect the context of the most adjacent similar use. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. The application for appeal shall be made in writing and shall contain the applicants factual and/or legal rationale for the appeal. This policy may be further defined and supplemented by other codes adopted by the City. 2. B. No identification sign or advertising of the home occupation is placed or situated on the site or structures; 5. The City Administrator may waive the requirement for installations of a bench mark for subdivisions smaller than 50 acres when at least two benchmarks are located within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision boundaries. The minimum site development and site design standards apply to areas both within the City limits and the ETJ. Criteria for Approval. 3. Waivers of the standards required for plat approval are not considered variances and must be requested from the Planning and Zoning Commission and then the City Council during the plat review process. The use of a site for only one dwelling unit, other than mobile home or modular home. The City Administrator may request additional relevant material prior to issuing the acknowledgement. Board of Adjustment (BOA). This district is further intended to encourage efficient utilization of land, affordable housing opportunities, and open space preservation. Dwelling units share a common outside access. 7. SAFETY SERVICES. B. 3. The Board of Adjustment considers whether the City Administrators or City Councils official action was appropriate considering the facts of the case and the requirements contained in this Code. 3. Height. Front Yard. Approval of Water Quality Controls. If any section or part of this Code is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Code but shall be confined in its operation to the specific sections of this Code that are held unconstitutional or invalid. Commercial Off-Street Parking. If the applicant and administrative official can not agree on a format or mediator for the appeal within thirty (30) days, the Chairperson of the BOA may assign a mediator. P&Z discusses comp plan, updates ordinances. Window Sign. 2. The City Council has responsibility for hearing and taking final action on the following procedures described in this Code. An accessory building, not related to the ordinary operation of a farm, for the housing of horses or mules owned by a person or persons living on the premises and which horses or mules are not for hire or sale. All future or ongoing development approvals or permits, including any plat-related approval, shall comply with the PUD general development plan in addition to the Citys Comprehensive Plan. The accessory use shall be subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the primary use; C. The accessory use shall contribute to the comfort, convenience or necessity of the primary use; D. The accessory use shall be located within the same zoning district as the primary use; and/or. Buffer. A. If the accessory structure is greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, then it shall be set back one (1) additional foot from the property line for each one (1) foot in height up to the minimum setback for a primary structure. Major Collector. D. When good cause exists, the City Administrator may extend the period of time for completion. Applicants are responsible for developing the PUD Ordinance. A historic resource comprised of 2 or more properties which that [sic] are significant as a cohesive unit and contribute to historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural values, which has been identified by the Historic Preservation Commission and duly classified pursuant to the procedures of the Texas Historical Commission. D. That the conditions applicable to approval are the minimum necessary to minimize potentially unfavorable impacts on nearby uses and ensure compatibility with existing or permitted uses in the same district and the surrounding area, and that the prescribed Site Development Regulations do not provide enough mitigation of the impacts identified, thus warranting stricter standards, if so recommended. A dwelling that is entirely surrounded by open space on the same lot. Commercial use types include the sale, rental, service, and distribution of goods, and the provision of services other than those classified as Industrial or Civic Uses. Within ten (10) days after a final decision is made by the authority authorized to make the final determination under the requirements of this Code, a copy of the written decision will be sent to the applicant. The total number of units permitted by the City for a tract of land. Site Plan Review Site Development Permit. The Downtown Overlay District (O-D) is intended to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, enable a mixture of uses, promote higher residential density, and ultimately create a vibrant area as a gathering place for the community. Rubbish. A sign which is attached directly to the ground or is supported by a sign structure that is placed on or anchored in the ground and is independent from any building or other structure. If, in accordance with the provisions of this Code and 211.006 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, changes are made in the district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map, within (15) business days after the amendment has been approved by the City Council and signed by the Mayor. That the development encourage walking and biking, enhance transit service opportunities, and improve traffic safety through promoting low speed, cautious driving while fully accommodating the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. The purpose of this district is [to] provide for development of quality multiple-family living including two-family residences and higher density residences, such as triplexes, town homes, garden homes, condominiums, and apartments in a moderately dense setting, at a density of 10 units per acre. Any sign that transmits light through its face or any part thereof[.]. The City of Liberty Hill has issued a $10 million wastewater treatment facility bond that will allow a major expansion and improvements to be made at The South Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant over the next several years. B. Seedling. The Board of Adjustment (and/or City Council) must approve, in a public hearing, any alternative resolution of the appeal that involves a minimal change in development standards of this Code and consistent with all legal requirements. Any building which houses a primary or principal use of the land on which it is located. Grading. E. General Permit Procedures. D. Setback Measurements. The appeal will then be heard and decided at the next BOA meeting. All City officials and employees with the responsibility or authority to issue a permit, certificate or license are prohibited from issuing a permit or license for any use, building, or purpose that conflicts with any provision of this Code. E. Change of use: Whenever a land use changes, any nonconforming sign must be modified or removed so as to be in full compliance with these sign regulations. Development is required to provide a higher level of amenity to its users or residents than would be required under the normal standards of this code. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. EngineerING Design Standards Engineering Design Standards. Exterior Features. To the maximum extent feasible, pedestrians shall be separated from vehicles and bicycles. 3. Consult the Williamson County Health Department for further information. Typical uses include building materials stores, tool equipment rental or sales, building, plumbing, electrical, or mechanical contractors. A written statement or certificate issued by the City Administrator (or his designee) authorizing buildings, structures, or uses in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance Code [sic]. E. Any hardwood tree 19" [in] diameter or larger shall require Planning and Zoning Commission Approval before removing.
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