love's executioner two smiles summary

She had never had a positive relationship with a man, and it is possible her sons had paid the penalty for that. She knew I wanted a real woman. Its his house mainly, you could sayhis money bought it. I fought to keep my equilibrium. Jeff had been gone for two years now and wanted nothing more to do with her, alive or dead. It was the first new dress she had bought in eight years. Saul was strongly motivated to send the fifty-thousand-dollar gift, and I continued firm in my opposition to that plan and explored the history of his penchant for buying his way out of problems. She caught it and began. What about Saul and the Stockholm Research Laboratory? At the next meeting, Dave related a powerful dream he had had the night after the previous session. At this point she started to sob. Although Penny voiced no regrets for her behavioron the contrary, she seemed to relish telling the storythere were, nonetheless, deeper rumblings. First, your call would alienate him from me. Thats like one of your Zen riddles that I could never understand., Matthew continued, Whenever I tried to talk to you, it made things worse. When Mike asked her to have a talk with her oral surgeon, I imagined that she must have been thinking, Have a long talk with Dr. Z.! Its four years now. I tried another tack. At first concerned about suicide, I ultimately soothed myself with the thought that her anger was so overt and so outwardly directed that it was unlikely she would turn it against herself. Which force of weathering is the main cause of a landslide? er . She put her head between her knees, breathed deeply, and slowly regained her composure. And so Marie and Dr. Z. were locked in a complex dance, whose steps included a spurned surgeon, a million-dollar lawsuit, a broken jaw, several fractured teeth, and brushed breasts. Throughout my year of work with Marge, I had only a single real rule in my worktreat her as an equal. I heard the men whispering and conspiring in a menacing way. The story In Search of the Dreamer offers a unique backstage view of the escape of death anxiety and the minds last-ditch attempt to contain it: here, amidst the pervasive, dark death imagery of Marvins nightmare is one life-promoting, death-defying instrumentthe glowing white-tipped cane with which the dreamer engages in a sexual duel with death. Finally, by the fourth month, there were signs of progress. (Saul felt so defenseless in the face of others demands that he had chosen to remain single these last twenty years.) I had never seen her so irrationaland so challenging. Underneath obsession, what would I find? The idea of him hating me is unbearable. 9780060958343 - Love's Executioner by Irvin D. Yalom - ECampus I always listen carefully to first statements. It was easy to agree with Sarah: he did sound depraved. Once the depression sets in, I am bound to have a migraine within the next twenty-four hours. Yet, if I revealed these things, Dave would feel betrayed and probably leave therapy. But there was always fatness, the fat kids, the big asses, the butts of jokes, those last chosen for athletic teams, those unable to run the circle of the athletic track. She stopped. I can take other guesses. . Saul demurred, of course, raising many objections, predictable objections: he wasnt my only patient, I was much too busy, he was already feeling better, it was no emergency, he should be able to travel to my office soon. It feels scary, like Ill need you too much. Life doesnt seem worth living. There she was ridiculing Marges stutter and some of her most familiar comments. If I really think about it (which I dont), I guess it boils down to an exchange of goodsI humor Dr. Z. and let him have his disgusting little feels in exchange for his help in my lawsuit., My smile saidWhy are you so interested in my smile?, I guess my smile said, Please, Dr. C., go on to something else. Her life was a tormentthe disgusting liquid food, the stationary bicycle, the hunger pangs, the diabolic McDonalds hamburger ads on television, and the smells, the ubiquitous smells: popcorn in the movies, pizza in the bowling alley, croissants in the shopping center, crab at Fishermans Wharf. I dont expect Matthew to love me again, I just want him to care about my being on this planet. If I say the wrong thing, she can make my life hellturn off the sexual spigot altogether., Im afraid of my impulsesmy murderous and sexual impulses., Do you remember, years ago, a news story of a man who killed his wife by pouring acid on her? Its for a good causethe best that I know., Its not the decision but how and when you make it thats important. I tutored her in the basic feelings (bad, sad, mad, and glad). A great time for him to discover that its not right, I thought. I arrived at his house early in the morning, entered through the door, mysteriously left ajar, and conducted therapy by the side of Sauls bed, where he lay flattened by an ailment we both knew was fictitious. She could not forgive herself. She had plenty of daunting explanations. The enabling relationship always assumes that the other is never fully knowable. From there it was an easy step for Marie to transfer her numbness to all the painful areas of her face and neck. I felt disloyal to Marge for finding her rival so attractive, for being so bemused by her mimicry of Marge. She became preoccupied with the capriciousness of death. I try to get the book back, but it is past the deadline. Indeed, Marvin reinforced that whimsical notion. I was getting plenty of information, but we were not making contact. Does that sound like a crazy thought?, I dont know if its crazy, but it sounds like a desperate and terribly painful thought., Hes trying to drive me to suicide. Love's Executioner is a collection of ten true stories (identifying details have been changed to protect anonymity, of course) of patients in psychotherapy with Irvin Yalom and how his work with them progressed. But sometimes youve got to do what youve got to do. I feel like an amputation has taken place. Itll show you some interesting connections between my migraines and my sex life.. How could I reject the letters without his feeling I was rejecting him? Could it be that he found me? Love's Executioner by Jordan Goldberg - Prezi I remember looking at himhis tall, lean, athletic body, his full head of glistening black hair, and his lively elfish eyes belying his sixty-nine yearsand thinking, Chapeau! Hats off! My father had his first coronary at forty-eight. But Saul, failing to respond to conventionally correct therapy, sank deeper, with each hour, into despair. Matthew turned back to me and, until he finished his story, did not again look at Thelma. First of all, she never revealed anything intimate about herself. Obesity, endemic in my family, was a part of what I had to leave behind when I, a driven, ambitious, first-generation American-born, decided to shake forever from my feet the dust of the Russian shtetl. I knew she was in pain, but still I had to restrain myself from saying, Come on, Marge! Four more? Id be this way with any therapist in the world. I knew that, in his eyes and in the eyes of the entire Stockholm Institute community, I would be a fraud, a thief, worse than a thief. I rolled up the chart, told Marvin Id like to study it in detail later, and attempted to restore some rhythm to the session by asking him to tell me the whole story of his illness from the beginning. I knew what he would think and feel about me. Where does it exist?, Penny seemed anxious and a little irritable at being pushed or quizzed. I know whats in it. Was it possible to help him go further than I have gone? . Do you know anything about Buddhist meditation practice?. Precisely what part of it was frightening?, As I think about it now, the last thingputting the cane in the babys vaginais the horrible part. Suppose, for a moment, that Matthew died! We were coming to the end of our eleventh hourno time for me to be withholding. What is Yalom's primary clinical assumption? In many ways her sons were the real victims of this tragedyas is often true of the siblings of children who die. Then Id knock him offfast!, When, in our next individual session, we discussed the consultation, I asked her about the two smiles. This macabre thought, Betty suspected, was echoed in the dream image of retrieving her friends dead body from the tunnel. The collection of ten absorbing tales by master psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom uncovers the mysteries, frustrations, pathos, and humor at the heart of the therapeutic encounter. Last year I started seeing a therapist for the first time in my life, although not by deliberate choice but rather as a side benefit of something else -- namely, I attended one of those "computer coding bootcamp" programs here in Chicago, and one of the things they provide for their students for no cost is a licensed therapist on staff for weekly sessions. How did it all turn out?. I know how busy he is. I often thought that if I could find a way to keep him continually aware of his death and the clearing that death effects, I could help him make some major changes in the way he related to life and to other people. Take this all away. When I meet a new person whom I like, I start right away to imagine what it will be like to say goodbye to them., I knew this was an important issue, and that we would return to it. I saw much of myself in Dave, and there are limits to my hypocrisy. What really are the chances she would allow herself to know you in the way you want, to become involved with you?. When her father died, everything changed. And yet every time I talk about whats happened, I have a miserable week. I soon learned that over the last twenty years she had been chronically depressed and in psychiatric treatment almost continuously. Im soooooooo g-g-g-g-glad youre my psychiatrist! On bended knee: D-d-d-o-o-o you like me, D-D-D-Doctor Yalom? The mother book fueling the ideas for the stories was Existential Psychotherapy. Ive gone over all the pros and cons, and I now believe you are rightIm in such bad shape that its not likely anything could make me worse!, Thelma, those arent my words. I am not a lover of dogs, but this one seemed worse than most. Though his mood swings still occurred (and were still dependent on sex), their intensity had diminished considerably. From the beginning, of course, I had known that the pure forcefulness of my argument would not penetrate deep enough to effect any change. Here is a quick description and cover image of book Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy written by Irvin D. Yalom which was published in 1989-. Would you move to the other chair, play the role of Matthew, and talk to Thelma here in this chair?. Why open it? First, she enrolled in an eating-disorder program at the clinic where I worked and completed their demanding protocol, which included a complex physical workup and a battery of psychological tests. Elva bent forward, holding her hand to her mouth as though to exclude someone in the room, showed me a remarkable number of enormous teeth, and said, I whomped the shit out of him!. Both refused, offering the ingenious dodge that they didnt want to be age- typed. What was the kick in your teeth?, You were there. Plunge into that feeling, explore it. But I could not. Look, give yourself a break. Stay focused! Yet I am not without faith, my Hail Mary being the Socratic incantation, The unexamined life is not worth living. But that was not Daves faith. There was an operating room nurse who said she didnt have this privilegeshe had to witness the whole mess. What I find are two baby kittens who have not yet opened their eyes. So Marvin and I had reached a crucial point, a juncture to which full awareness inevitably leads. Lets go back over it.. . She would, for example, introduce what she was about to say with a lengthy, boring preamble. But we (some more than others) also have an irrational sense of specialness. I cringed now at the prospect of colleagues and students asking me in the weeks to come, Fill us in. (Later I was to learn that I would reach deep pain in Penny no matter where I probed.) I didnt mind; in fact, I liked the idea of sitting back and letting the consultant, Mike C., a friend and colleague, do the work. She followed my advice to have a direct confrontation; and when the tenant refused to alter her cooking habits, Marie scarcely hesitated to ask the woman to move. She had never allowed herself to believe that Chrissie would die. The second time she smiled was in response to Mikes equally ingenuous question, Would you feed your dog poisoned dog food?. I was able to see myself in their worries, questions, thoughts and fears. It was not fair to Marge. Then he turned to me. At such times one longs for an umpire of reality or some official sharp-imaged snapshot of the hour. Or, if he were entering a terminal phase, was I to commit myself to stay with him until death? The hour was a triptych, each panel reflecting the perspective, the hues, the concerns, of its creator. I knew that the most important thing I could do for her, especially in this time of crisis, was to maintain our relationship and not allow her to drive me away. All in all, he did far better than I had expected. Well, you might be interested in something sexual that happened yesterday afternoonthat would be about ten hours before the dream. Ill get to that but, first, there are two other things I want to cover today. Marvin stopped. For one thing, it can damage relationships with surviving children. Otto Rank described this life stance with a wonderful phrase: Refusing the loan of life in order to avoid the debt of death.. Susan Jennings? She advertised in the newspaper, but even the inducement of free dog food failed to generate a prospect. You created it, what do you make of it? The other dreams gave evidence of a savage world beneath Marvins placid exteriora world seething with death, murder, suicide, anger toward Phyllis, fears of dirty and menacing phantoms erupting from within. My psychiatrist finally advised me to sever all contact, to be totally silent. This is not the book to read while you are actually in therapy. Never could I catch up with the real one. Its so self-punishing, so perverselike grinding an aching tooth. I had also, I told her, compared myself unfavorably with others on many occasions. It is time to go? On the telephone, in church, even in the courtroom (she sued the hospital for negligence in her husbands death), he winked and leered. My God! On the other side of the room there was an actress with a long white dress. At one hundred and four beats a minute, how long would it take to enter darkness? Marie was to be interviewed by a consultant, and I was to enjoy the luxury of sharing an hour with her and yet being off duty. For weeks I had urged her to see a hypnotherapist in consultation. Her eyes blazed as she continued to defile Marge who, she said, was incurable, hopeless, and pathetic. Lets stay on track. It was not surprising, then, to learn that Marvin had been wary of competition with men and inordinately shy of women. The first one came on a Monday. The group would be angered and accuse him of playing games with them. Perhaps, if she confronted this contradiction, she could start grieving again. Elated at being close to a solution, the author hurries to the other museum only to discover that the competing parrot has the identical stamp on its perch. But he was composing himself. But we had not progressed very far in our exploration of life purpose (not that progress can be expected: absence of purpose is a problem of life rather than of a life) when Penny changed course yet again. Some day Ill tell you about my nightmaresmaybe., Youre not the only one who has these fears, Dave. I never beat around the bush. With so many promising leads I didnt know which to choose. But how should I handle the situation with him in the next hour? . But most of all she cried for herself, for the life she dreamed and never lived. In addition, the replacement child suffers, too, especially if the parents grief remains unresolved. Then he turned into Matthew. Locked up in a convent? But now it was his turn to be shocked. But I kept silent. Marvin continued to be refreshingly open during the first several weeks of therapy. Soon I received an urgent, alarmed message from the dreamer:I had been bringing new furniture into the house, but then I couldnt close the front door. I would sacrifice her rival to her, pluck her feathers, pull her asunder, and, bit by bit, feed her to Marge. I dont think Ive ever said a crueler thing, but to make myself heard, I had to speak in words so strong and so stark that they could be neither twisted nor forgotten. Once again, Dr. K. gave guarded assent. Analysis revealed seventeen central properties, which organized five reciprocal, interactive categories. Her wish that I could have been her father led us into one final aspect of her grief that had always caused her much torment. What was there about her revealing that left me unmoved? Most of all, the robbery illuminated her ordinariness, her I never thought it would happen to me reflecting the loss of belief in her personal specialness. It helped me feel anchored again.. Tell me about the therapy youve had in the last eight yearssince your suicide attempt., During that time Ive never been without a therapist. I think I had a premonition at the time that, before my work with Thelma was over, I would be called to account for hubris. Ultimately she married a sweet, elderly man. So I acknowledged it openly and suggested that we meet six more times and try to do as much as we could. But I was chilled to learn there was no play: Saul was deadly serious. Though we try hard to go through life two by two or in groups, there are times, especially when death approaches, that the truththat we are born alone and must die alonebreaks through with chilling clarity. Marie left the office obviously pleased with him and with the work they had done. I began to think of good reasons not to accept his letters. The examined the content of Elva's purse which meant intimacy and trust. I finally learned that six months ago Marvin had made the decision to retire and sell his accountancy firm. One day Blush was alarmed to find an around-the-world airline ticket on her dresser, and thought that she could prevent the trip by locking up all of Brazens sexy clothing in my office. Im not proud of it, but Im having a lot of trouble leaving the house, let alone traveling halfway around the world. Suppose, a year from now, Mike and Marie and I each wrote recollections of our time together. K's review of Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy Id appear before the members of the institutetheyd be wigged and robed. Instead, I used the dream material to explore themes that had already emerged in our work. Can you remember any of it? A lot of therapists, at this point, would have made an interpretation about the way she was shutting me out. For years he endured his friends jibes about dating his mother. It sounds important. Whats the big deal? he asked, and then claimed he personally wouldnt mind being raped by an attractive woman. Therapist and patient conspire to pretend that theirs is a monogamous relationship. Perhaps I should have, but I couldnt wait. I noticed that I began to speak a little tougher. Start by lying here on the couch and concentrating on your breathing. It was everything else, the silent footsteps, the blackness, the sense of deep foreboding. I find them repulsive: their absurd sidewise waddle, their absence of body contourbreasts, laps, buttocks, shoulders, jawlines, cheekbones, everything, everything I like to see in a woman, obscured in an avalanche of flesh. Turned out to be girl twins. Pausing, Penny complained of a pain in her throat. How comforting it would be to feel, just once, that I know exactly what Im doing in my psychotherapeutic workfor example, that I am dutifully traversing, in proper sequence, the precise stages of the therapeutic process. And then a dream providing specific grievances:Im watching a heart transplant. I cant tell you how wonderful. Itll be difficult to dislodge it. She careened into them a couple of times, and they escaped only by gunning their BMW to over a hundred miles per hour. Thats goddamn good, isnt it to forget it, to be free of it, to be able to live a normal life for a while?. First, there was Matthew. Such was my dilemma when the unexpected occurred. The group members, bless their hearts, were doing just what they should have been doing. Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. It was only after several days that I realized I was missing everything on the tripthe beauty of the beach, the lush and exotic vegetation, even the thrill of snorkeling and entering the underwater world. Understanding the intense challenge of psychotherapy is interesting, especially for those who enjoy psychology, but it is Yalom's refreshing honesty, bordering on the uncomfortable, that makes this book such a great read. And therefore, as John Donne wrote, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.. I stored it for future use. Moved by my answers, Marge grew ever bolder but gentler in her talks with me. She said that, if it were true for me, it was true in spades for herthat she had led a totally self-centered life, that shes never given anything of herself., I reminded her of that. When years of interpretation have failed to generate change, we may begin to make direct appeals to the will: Effort, too, is needed. There was one additional and important consideration. Many thingsa simple group exercise, a few minutes of deep reflection, a work of art, a sermon, a personal crisis, a lossremind us that our deepest wants can never be fulfilled: our wants for youth, for a halt to aging, for the return of vanished ones, for eternal love, protection, significance, for immortality itself. I do hate groups. There is no adventure more exciting, nothing so wonderful and frightening, and so fraught with danger, as delving into the mind of a human being. Now thats a facet of psychotherapy we dont learn about in training: have a romance with your patients worst enemy, and then, when you are sure the enemy loves you, use that love to neutralize her attacks upon your patient. First, was it true? His fantasy about Ruth allowed him to feel that he could still be touched and cared for by another human. There is a long tradition in psychotherapy going back to Carl Rogers and, before him, to Otto Rank, which understood that a preset termination date often increases the efficiency of therapy. In these six compelling tales of therapy, Yalom introduces us to an unforgettable cast of characters: Paula, who faces death and stares it down; Magnolia, into whose ample lap Yalom longs to . It seemed to me that the source of its hold on her was the power she had given Matthew. I told him that I knew it sounded crazy, but persuaded him to follow my instructions faithfully. From her description it seemed an ordinary purse snatching. Her tongue, always visible, changed radically in size as it darted in and out or circled her moist, rubbery lips. I gave up. Ive seen hypnosis on TV the victims look like idiots. As this material unfolded, it was possible to understand Marvins current problems from each of three very different perspectives: the existential (with a focus on the ontological anxiety that had been evoked by passing a major life milestone); the Freudian (with an emphasis on oedipal anxiety which resulted in the sexual act being welded to primitive catastrophic anxiety); and the communicational (with an emphasis on how the marital dynamic equilibrium had been unsettled by recent life events; more about this was to emerge shortly). No wonder sex has been difficult. Dont skip anything.. The dense forest of crassness and cynicism surrounding him had always shocked and dissuaded visitors. Every person who knew about the situation had advised her to get rid of Elmer. When did you move? I plunged her into reminiscence and encouraged her to express everything she could remember about his illness, his dying, his appearance in the hospital the last time she saw him, the details of his funeral, the clothes she wore, the ministers speech, the people who attended. That dream was pure gold, and I wanted to mine it. 1. p.38 It was deeply frustrating. Yet I know that it would have little to do with the flesh-and-blood Marie, the Marie who always surprised me and outdistanced my grasp, the Marie of the two smiles. But after a couple of months, all that changed. Bettys body had remembered what her mind had long forgotten. Why does an attractive, presumably accomplished young man select a sixty-two-year-old woman who has been lifeless and depressed for many years? Earlier Penny had told me that she was in frequent communion with Chrissie, visiting her daily in the cemetery and spending an hour a day grooming her grave and talking to her. Those are the symptomsno pain, just difficulty breathing and thoracic tightness. . What was the last event in the chapter on Elva and what was the meaning of the event? . Could she feel the difference? Thats the problem. Do you feel the same way? Even her last, unfinished homework assignment lay on the desk. At the time she had imagined granting an autopsy and holding a funeral for the body she had shed. She knew also that Chrissie was going on to another, healthier, happier life. She played the confidante role very well and had helped many friends plan their weddings. I guess you could say I didnt give therapy much chance since I made a decision to protect Matthew by never mentioning him or my affair to any other therapist., You mean that in eight years of therapy youve never talked about Matthew!.