hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Fengtians Ma Zhanshan no longer defects to Russia or Japan. Renamed several Mittelafrikan states, and some African splinter countries. Fixed White Ruthenia not keeping its units home when it's about to secede. Replaced several Mongolian decisions, national spirits and national focuses. Revisited the Argentinean army tree, adding new focuses and effects. Fixed paternal autocrat Armenia not getting a fifth research slot. Multiple fixes and improvements to the Intermarium system. Britains population is no longer 3M smaller than its OTL value. Lithuania can now remove full German economic control after as SocLib, and partially if PatAut, even if this was not done before the assasination of the King. Fixed OTT being able to increase Egyptian centralisation before the prerequisite foci. Added Yorgui Koli and Georges Koudoukou as commanders for Chad. The CSA will no longer place as many troops on the Canadian border. Fixed several characters not properly moving to Centroamerica from their respective countries. Fixed Paraguay being unable to get its final research slot. The American Civil War faction support ideas will now only increase maximum volunteers to the supported country, rather than all countries in the world. The releasing nation now gets a seat on the Council, so now anybody can be on it. Russia now requires Lww to annex Transcarpathia. Clarified the game rule requirements for Estonia, Latvia and the PSA. If the Left Kuomintang are a puppet then they will only be able to take Army/Navy/Air national foci to prevent your puppet from doing major changes to their government (1st congress etc) without your knowing. The Left Kuomintang theorists Dai Anlan and Su Yu are now focus-dependent. South Africa now receives a few extra cavalry units two weeks after the Entente enters the war against them. Added a news event for the Italian Civil War resuming. Fixed Anqing's generals not being transferred to Qing upon integration. Added a new idea to SQI/ANQ/CHI that gives buffs against LEP for the first 6 months of the war. Made the Commune of Frances AI more diligent at guarding against Germany, since the Weltkrieg can now start at more varied times. Sternberg will now have a better chance of surviving. Fixed SocDem Centroamerica joining the Third International. Spanish tags now capture the navies of defeated SCW factions. This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. The participants of the American Civil War now keep a cavalry template after the war. Decreased the debuff given by Duke Adolf Friedrichs Der Afrika-Herzog trait, for the United Baltic Duchy. Persia's peace with Germany over the Caucasus will now only include Georgia if they've gone autocratic. Fixed Luigi Sansonettis portrait for the Papal States. Fixed Kenya not being able to press its claims on Uganda. Updated the starting technology of the Italian splinters. Fixed the event for inviting countries to Centroamerica factions targeting the wrong country. Added a monarchy option for puppet Montenegro. Fixed Patagonian news events firing too early. Fixed Russia getting Kuban when split into Russia and Siberia. All American civil war participants now gain claims on Anglo-Canadian states, if they choose to annex Canada. Added decisions for the French Republic to increase their war support after successfully reclaiming the Mtropole. Romania will now do their path to war national focuses sooner. Stay safe out there! Fixed Paraguays decision to join the Third Internationale not appearing. Fixed Japan's Operation Ichi-gou national focus bypassing when below 60% world tension. Fixed Two Sicilies Pietro Ago having the vanilla Bearer of Artillery trait. Fixed Transylvania not being annexed in the Treaty of Budapest. Fixed Germanys Bring Back Order focus sometimes not giving the proper effect. Lowered the base stability of the Left Kuomintang. Du Yuming and Dai Anlan now start with the Left Kuomintang. Added an event about a failed Fevzi coup for OSP-led Turkey. Added Mahanimit (Great Vision), "Mahachai (Grand Victory)", "Sansoen Phra Barami (Glorify His Prestige)", "Floor Fuengfah (Bougainvillea Dance Floor)", "Dao Lom Dearn (Moonlit Night)", "Fahk Rak (Entrusting My Love)" for Siam. The Fading Sun no longer peaces out internal Chinese wars. Fixed non-socialist countries staying in Phalanstere, after the government changes from being socialist. Fixed Fengtian trying to retire their advisors twice. Fixed Poland causing the Third Weltkrieg in the middle of the second. Added annexation mission for the Legation Cities. All countries in the region now have head of state and general rosters. IMRO's victory at 100% resistance is now triggered by a resistance modifier. Fixed Afghanistans annexation mission occasionally not firing. The French Republic now specifically asks the British for naval aid, instead of whoever is leading the Entente. Fixed the system for the French Republic joining Mitteleuropa. Nicaragua no longer starts without a core on Matagalpa - instead, it has a modifier blocking conscription in the state. The Italian Republics national focus tree is now dynamic, in that the paths which are not being used will now have their national focuses hidden. Improved the rendering of the existing flags for German Cameroon, Denmark, Egypt, Flanders-Wallonia, Kachin, Kurdistan, Lianguang, Montenegro, Mysor, Niger, Norway, the Russian Empire, Sweden, Taiwan, Tibet and Yemen. Poland and Finland no longer join the Reichspakt due to Socialists winning the 2nd Russian. Rebalanced Argentinean and Patagonian industrial focuses and decisions. Fixed the Expanded Tanker Fleet national focus prerequisites for Georgia. Fixed several bugs in the Belgian and Portuguese game rules. Outlook | Millennium Dawn Wiki | Fandom Fixed a bug where the Fourth Balkan War didnt finish correctly in a Bulgarian victory. The Fengtian Government now requires 70% War Support to attack Qing. Fixed the recruitable manpower bonuses being too small, for various countries. Fixed Argentina not having enough trains. Fixed Hungary not being correctly partitioned as per the conditions of the Fifth Balkan War. Fixed two inverted South African national spirit modifiers. The South African Federation tag can now access South Africas Black Monday tree, if released by the Entente. Fixed Bulgarias Tsar Boris III coming back from the dead. The Combined Syndicates no longer get a unit bonus during the American Civil War. This update is our largest ever, with no less than 17 pages of changes. Fixed some missing Chinese general descriptions. 1st: add_party_popularity 100 fascism. Improved the triggers for the Plan Sierada mission for White Ruthenia. It represents the total number of divisions that a country can safely support. Fixed Carlist Spain being given the wrong name and colour after winning the civil war or the election. Several Fengtian generals skills were toned down in tandem with Zhang. Bhutan no longer has negative production efficiency. Removed the states of Lori, Zaqatala, Coto Brus and Boquete from the map. Fixed some hidden effects from Australasian events showing up inadvertently. Uruguay now gets its 4th research slot later. Transamur now changes its name to Free Russia, if the rest of Russia becomes a puppet. Fixed Namibia requiring the Ivory Coast for their Mittelafrikan event. This will likely be the last hotfix for this release, but you never know. Legation Cities (expanded current options), Kingdom of Siam (expanded current options), Cuba: Alberto Bayo Giroud, Ramn Grau San Martn, Japan: Yamamoto Isoroku, Araki Sadao, Honjo Shigeru, Nagata Tetsuzan. Yunnan now gets its claims on Siam when the latter peaces out. The Ma Cliques Ma Jiyuan is no longer general at age 15, and now needs to wait like he did in real life, to the ripe old age of 21. Araucania can no longer sabotage Argentina. Fixed Sichuan not being able to complete New Commercial Zones. Fixed Rhodesia losing part of its factories when seceding from South Africa. Fixed the wrong event firing as part of a Flanders-Wallonia event chain. Expanded Switzerlands national populist path, The Kaiser Wilhelm society now exists at game start, Germany is no longer locked out of the Walloon annexation event. Constantinople is now worth more victory points, Ankara less. Other members of the Third Internationale are now notified about the Phalanstre Internationale Research Organisation being formed. Added decisions for Greece to join the Donau-Adriabund and Moscow Accord. Japan now loses all wargoals on China upon surrendering, and all China-related foci now bypass. When Serbia is now released as a socialist puppet, it will have access to its economic national focuses. Fixed the Franco-Spanish border at Roussillon. Reorganised the core German strategic regions. Fixed the AI guaranteeing the independence of countries it should not. Fixed Persia getting an instantaneous peace with India. Mongolia and Tibet can no longer join the Unification Conference, Some fixes and improvements to the Chinese army reform system. Flanders now has its own separate annexation mission. Scandinavia - focus durations are reduced, added new icons, focus effects, implemented several new focuses and balance changes. Added Faucett Per as an air company for Peru. Socialist Greece now annexes their puppet Cyprus the same as other ideologies. Adjusted the stats for some Scottish commanders. Fixed the AI sending and immediately withdrawing volunteers. Overhauled the Bulgarian AI so that it completes its foreign policy national focuses and decisions more efficiently. Fixed mismatched effect and text in the Manchu Qing events and decisions to attack the Ma Clique and Concessions. Fixed two remaining inappropriate social democrat popularity increases in the Centroamerican focus tree. Fixed Georgia being referred to as a Kingdom, when puppeted by Russia. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. Fixed Anqing declaring war on AuthDem Shandong. Lithuanias Bundists are now led by Shlomo Kleit, from Vilnius, as opposed to Victor Alter, who was from Warsaw. The Romanian Legion's party name will be changed to "Totul Pentru Tar" - the "Everything for the Country" party - if they were elected after Michael's coup. Fixed Polands railway national focuses not getting uncompleted if Poland has an uprising. Added a unique icon for the Chinese Factions screen. All White Ruthenian paths can now get 4 research slots. Fixed the inverted idea effects for Bulgaria's agrarian route. Fixed a Russia event not using the correct name of the Yekaterinburg state. Fixed the Nanzig rename remaining in endonym mode. Adjusted the Russian party descriptions and full names. Updated the AI priorities in researching particular technologies. Console commands - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Fixed early Persian-Ottoman war over Khasab. Fixed Burma starting with 100% stability (due to a typo, they started with 4500% stability instead of 45%, and the game reduced it to 100%). Fixed Paraguays Estigarribia missing a trait. Tweaked Cyprus AI so that it will prioritise on defending the island. Added some more political power, air experience and navy experience to some Haitian national focus rewards. Paraguay now can choose to avoid war with Bolivia. Fixed a West Indies Federation event not modifying the NCP concessions national spirit, if it's already present. Fixed Spain not losing its cosmetic tags upon being puppeted. Nerfed the Central Asian tags so that Russia does not have as much of a delay in its war with them. Fixed the Belgium-Germany peace mission insta-cancelling. Socialist HOL can now release Insulindia. Fixed Germany starting with cruiser submarines but not the tech. Towards this end, the capitulation of Germany is now delayed by a day, so the rest of the Reichpakt capitulates first and THEN Germany itself, Hawaii now inherits USA tech when its released, Fixed the Battle of Honolulu event for Hawaii only having one outcome, Reduced Anqing equipment gain from shipment/railroad decisions, Reduced timers for Fengtians Shanhaiguan Infiltration events, Fengtian will now receive the Shanhaiguan Infiltration events when fighting any owner of Beijing, not just Qing, Swapped incorrectly applied consumer goods factors for Hunan's Economic Assistance ideas, Fixed reversed Manchurian Model Cities compliance gain, SRI no longer begins in the Third Internationale, and cannot join until the Second Weltkrieg begins or the balance in Italy has been broken. Fixed AuthDem Shandong being unable to remove the revolt national spirits. Updated Dominican Republic national focus and national spirit icons. Fixed Assyrian, Chinese, Combined Syndicate, British, Irish, Pacific State, Russian, Senegalese, Serbia, Sardinian, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Union State, Uruguayan, Venetian and Yucatan generals having field marshal traits. Mittelafrika will now play some African songs of its integrated colonies like Tanganyika! Added annexation options for Mittelafrika to receive Namibia, Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe. Altered the effects of Mittelafrikas air national foci. Fixed the fake divisions created by intel counting towards the Division Limit. Nerfed the political power generation in several Manchu Coup national spirits for Qing. Fixed the Reichspakt not disbanding sometimes if Austria took over its leadership. Fixed Sichuan being left alive in Tibet due to Yunnan taking Xikang. Fixed an incorrect trigger for Biaystok state modifiers in Lithuania. For Transamur, Kolchak can now decide not to expand the navy. Lithuanian political focuses are now restricted to their specific ideologies. Restored missing bunkers on the north coast of French Republic-held Corsica. The Persia annexation event will now explicitly state when the Ottomans annex western Persia. Fixed Bulgaria's Turkish trade national spirit not updating for post-Ottoman Turkey. Expanded the interactions of the Austrian Military Occupation path with Germany, Poland and the Belgrade Pact - The Brotherhood of Slavs as a faction no longer exists, and its previous members now join the Belgrade Pact instead, calling them into the war against Austria. Fixed Australasia not losing its British advisors after the New Guard Coup. Fixed a missing parent trait for a General in Hunan. Slight nerf to CNT-FAI, with slight buffs to the Kingdom of Spain and the Carlists. Fixed Bulgaria being able to capitulate mid-peace deal with the Belgrade Pact. Japan will no longer intervene in Fengtian's favour, if it is close to capitulation itself. Fixed dozens of typos and missing/unstandardised text. Rebalanced some Latvia national focus and national spirit effects. Forming Greater Germany as Austria is now costlier. Polands Karol Olbracht is now removed if Poland turns socialist or NatPop. Fixed the advisor picture for Aleksandr Voznesensky showing his brother. Tweaked Albania's provinces to more accurately reflect its 1914 borders. Fixed Liberia being able to release puppets while also being one. Fixed Cuba's puppet setup only being applied in one of the event options. Nepal: B.P. Tweaked the province and state layout in parts of southern China. Waltzing Matilda will now also play for socialist Australasia, and for non-socialist Commonwealth tags. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Added Cockermouth, Douglas, Dumfries, Stornoway and Oban as victory points to the Union of Britain. Fixed a few minor bugs with Sardinian elections. Finland can now be offered membership of the Moscow Accord by Russia. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, Drozdovite, Flamefang, Gideones, Hildagrim, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Kennedy, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hello everyone! The Soviet Union can no longer core Korea. Italy can no longer join the Moscow Accord if Serbia initiates the joining while Italy is part of its research group, The Return of the King focus for Canada has been made into a decision, so now the UK is more likely to be released within the window where its industry wont be halved again (after being halved already for Canada taking the land), The Greek and BHC rebellion events now transfer a percentage of units and equipment instead of spawning an equal number of units, Russia can now seize Bessarabia at any time unless allied with Ukraine, Added annexation events for Pastaza, Northern Chile, and the minor Caribbean islands, revamped the annexations for the entire Middle East region, Alsace-Lorraine, and Luxembourg, UoB and CoF will now send volunteers to socialist South Africa, Replaced the Russian debuff from losing Yekaterinburg with a more effective one, Hunan's economic ties idea no longer gives only maluses, The politics of post-2WK Puppet Germany have been overhauled to make more sense, Turkestan no longer gets cores on all of Kazakhstan. New England will now only get the civil war debuffs if they gained land in the civil war. The Ikhwan Revolt now peaces out with the Ottomans after the War in the Desert. Converted the Nancy state into a Barn state. Implemented some of the new, unreleased vanilla HOI4 naval balance changes, as outlined by Paradox in a recent Development Diary. We are aware of many people still having trouble with the new launcher. Fixed the text for Germany's Black Monday national foci mentioning the wrong advisors. The American Union State can now complete its naval tree if it chooses Trade Interdiction as its doctrine. Lithuanian-Belarusian Federation cannot revolt, it also doesn't form if Lithuania is hostile to White Ruthenia. MacArthur can now attack any socialist countries in the Americas. Increased the size of the Northern Canada impassable region. Fixed an instance of Mustafa Kemal staying around after he has died. Fixed Iraq not getting control of its states upon being spawned. Fixed Iceland having access to an Entente-related decision while in the Third International. Libya now starts on Limited Conscription. Fixed a script for making peace not working, if an enemy of the targeted country is at war but the faction leader isn't. The Union of Britains Republican Army and their high command are no longer a ragtag group of screamy militias. Added some flavour to Quentin Roosevelt and Floyd Olsons nomination events, to differentiate them. Chile: Carlos Jouanne de la Motte du Portail, Canada: John Vereker (civilian & military), Combined Syndicates of America: Benjamin O. Davis Sr. New flags for Dahomey, Mozambique, Sudan and Sdwestafrika. Fixed the Belgrade Pact countries not becoming majors upon joining the war. Adjusted the stats for some British commanders. Fixed the Princely Federations Council of Princes advisor picture. Fixed Adelbert staying around when Belgium gains independence. Fixed Silverio Ortiz not being promoted correctly in Democratic Centroamerica. Austria will now prioritise the Decentralised Scheme while at peace. The War in the Desert is now referred to as such in-game. The "Crush The Anti-France'" national spirit for the Kingdom of France now also has a weekly stability minor debuff. Added a decision for Indian countries to attack one of the others if a war between them has started before they can use their war focuses. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. The effect of the An army of all Dutch East Indians focus now properly reflects the effect that is put in place in-game. Removed Canada as a Legation Cities observer, since Australasia holds the vote if it's in the Entente, and thus the events just led to player confusion. Fixed Perus Benavides missing general description. Fixed Nicaragua and Mexico considering each other revolutionary buddies after one of them betrays the revolution. Fixed Croatia rebelling against Yugoslavia, in parts of Croatia that werent under Yugoslav control. Added custom difficulty settings for Argentina, Brazil and Patagonia. Fixed not being able to give Gomel to Russia. Germany and Japan now start with their first armored car tech unlocked. Removed some debuffs from Shanxis focus tree. Or Tsaritsyn, Antonov and Golovko will now defect as part of the Red Navy's formation, Austria and Poland will now guarantee each other if Karl Albrecht is elected, Players can no longer exploit the MacArthur's deadline event to get war economy faster, Manchu Qing can no longer get 5 research slots. When Canada intervenes in the ACW on behalf of a faction, it no longer shares military access - this is so Canada and the Entente keep their own zones of control. National France now correctly joins Mitteleuropa if the Germans demand it at Lyon. Fixed Anqing being unable to integrate Fujian. Fixed a missing response in a Romania event. No Chinese tag may get 5 research slots any longer. Suppression needed per resistance point has been increased, but manpower lost to resistance has been reduced. Buffed the Bolivian military focus tree to increase its chances against Paraguay and Chile. The correct Otto Wels death event will now fire if the SPD is not ruling Germany, Fixed the UoB occasionally not getting totalist George Orwell when he is chosen, Fixed UoB companies having values different from much of the rest of the game, Fixed the UK general election beginning before the focus is taken, Fixed Flanders going down the council rule tree when not ruled by the council, World tension is no longer generated by the savoyard crisis if it never escalates, Fixed up an old CoF chain to help the CSA, Mussolini no longer rises from the dead in the fifth SRI congress, Fixed the UKs annexation event for Ireland if it had previously chosen to occupy via its own chain, Switzerland can now properly join the Donau-Adriabund, Fixed a few events for Switzerland not firing at all, The Second Peace with Honour now properly peaces the UoB out with everyone under all circumstances, Fixed a reversed opinion modifier for CoF demanding Romandy, Added sanity checks for Switzerland addressing black monday, Harold Alexander removed as a possible general from the UoB (hes in Canada), Irish ACW decisions can no longer be taken once the ACW is over, The second TUC no longer breaks due to the Lawrence coup, Fixed effects of the Treaty of Arel failing, Countries other than France no no longer automatically get cores Alsace-Lorraine when it is conquered, Fixed an edge case where Switzerland could not recover from Black Monday, Fixed the German Womens Suffrage chain going nowhere, Fixed an event for the death of ex-Chairman Mann for UoB never firing, Fixed Ireland not being able to approach the PSA after they unite America. Haitis Monte Cristi national focus now bypasses if the Dominican Republic is dead. Removed a lot of RNG from the Russo-Ottoman deal. Removed an unneeded date trigger for South Africa. Decreased how often South Africa is able to declare on Sdwestafrika in the collapse of Mittelafrika, now requiring Namibia to be at war with Sdwestafrika. Added an event for the end of the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Sichuans Federalists-in-Exile path now attacks Lianguang via focus instead of via decision, and receives cores when they declare war. Increased Canadas AI weight for completing the Quid Pro Quo national focus. Removed starting CoF ace having bonuses to strategic bombers. Fixed South Africa entering a war it cannot fight due to the Wavering Dominion national spirit. New military national focus icons for Oman and Yemen. Giving all of Aegean Macedonia to Greece now grants them Chalcidice as well. Fixed Sweden retaining the Revolutionary Committee if the congress deadlocks. Chen Yi now defects to Anqing if Nanjing promises his lands to Shangguan Yunxiang. Added a check to the Eight Regulations national focus for Anqing, so that it cannot be done without the first national focus being done already. Fixed East Turkestan sending officers to train with the Ottomans, while at war with them. The L-KMT can now co-operate with SocDem Xinjiang, if they are RadSoc. Buffed the effects of some Sardinian national spirits. Fixed bugs with Bhutans leaders and their traits. Fixed Emilia not properly being transferred its PatAut or NatPop puppet leader. Fixed Rexist Wallonia sending annexation ultimatums to puppets. Syria now gains Yusuf al-Azma as a Field Marshal through their focus tree. Fixed a missing ambition area for Serbia. Fixed Shanxi spawning units in enemy territory. Added a Legation Council vote on introducing conscription in the Legation Cities. Fixed some issues with Costa Rica forming Centroamerica. Added target existence checks to a number of CHI decisions. Fixed Nicaragua requesting socialist aid from Canada. Expanded the size of Japans starting army. Fixed a Netherlands national spirit that increased air accidents chance instead of decreasing it. Press J to jump to the feed. The new reworked nations brought to you this time around are none other than Bhutan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Wales and White Ruthenia. Fixed countries forming the United Front from the grave. Decreased the amount of oil that Japan gains from Sakhalin. Updated the weapons technology for several South American countries, and Cuba. Overhauled Qings starting divisions and templates. Removed the Lost Momentum national spirit from the Lianguang Civil War. Added World News events for a German-Japanese war, MacArthur remaining as president, MacArthur standing aside, a pro-Japan coup in the Fengtian Republic and the Song Zheyuan coup in Shandong. Fixed Ukraine not being made back into an Ostwall country after getting re-puppeted. The Papal States can no longer get the Fate of Central Italy decision. Fixed White Ruthenias secret deal with Socialist Russia still going through, despite a change in White Ruthenia's government. Fixed East Turkestans Timur Beg not being removed as a general when deposed. Fixed Hungary not getting its archduke back when puppeted by Austria. Netherlands: Willem Drees, Willem Hackstroh, Jacob Harberts, Willem Jan Kruys, Roelof Kranenburg, Gustave Statius-Mueller, Henri Swart, Jan van Andel, Cornelis Lodewijk van der Bilt, Jan van Dulm, Cornelius van Geelkerken, Henri Winkelman, Ottoman Empire: Abdlmecid II, Omer Fahrettin Turkkan, Omer Faruk, Mustafa Fevzi, Nafiz Gurman, Hayrullah Fisek, Mahmud Muhtar, Sokru Okan, Kazim Orbay, Hseyin Rauf, Cahit Toydemir, Persia: Hassan Mirza Qajar, Amanollah Jahanbani, Scotland: Alexander Biggam, Hakewell Smith, Roy Urquhart, South Africa: Jack Hodgson, Jacobus Gideon Nel Strauss, Turkey: Nihal Atsiz, Sefik Husnu, Hikmet Kivilcimli, Adnan Menderes, Fethi Okyar, Ismet Resit, Ulster: Basil Brooke (civilian and general), United Baltic Duchy: Otto Goldfeld, Ernst Gustav Heimert von Nolcken, Harry Lutz, Hans Joachim von Manteuffel Szoege, Constantin von Weiss, United States of America: Alben Barkley, Omar Bradley, Arleigh Burke, Harry F Byrd, Adna Chaffee, Happy Chandler, Malin Craig, James Eastland, Frank Fletcher, John Nance Garner, Edwin Harding, Clarence Huebner, Geoffrey Keyes, Walter Krueger, Lesley McNair, James Murray, John Sparkman, Harold Stassen, Glen Taylor, Strom Thurmond, Harry Truman, Jerauld Wright, Union of Britain: Percy Addison, Fred Copeman, Edward Evans, Katherine Furse, Jack Highton, Max Horton, Arthur Power, Gerald Roope, Frederic Walker, Bernard Warburton, Uruguay: Alfredo Ferrari, Atilio Frigerio, Gabriel Terra, Alfredo Baldomir, Wales: Ambrose Bebb, HR Jones, Lewis Jones, SO Davies, Hubert William Lewis, Lewis Saunders (general). Added opinion modifiers for Argentina and its trade partner to improve trade between them and encourage AI to help Argentina during the war. New terrain art for Cayenne, Ouagadougou, Nassau and Yantai. Fixed broken unit frontlines in Minnesota. Added Yang Kunru and Li Yangjing as generals for Liangguang. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. Fixed Bulgaria annexing Thessaloniki without owning the surrounding states. Fixed Denmark not removing the Agricultural Depression national spirit correctly. Korea and Taiwan now start as Japanese cores - but with significant penalties, as represented by their new state modifiers. Fixed the West Indies Federation having two Vickers companies. Stay safe out there! Fixed Gandhis Bharatiya Commune not coring an owned Madras or Goa. Decreased some Australasian national focus times. Fixed Russia not restoring Sternberg to Mongolia when puppeted. Attacking Oman removes the Armed Neutrality national spirit as the Ottoman Empire. Fixed Bike and Camel techs not being included in tech transfer. Player Serbia or Romania can now decide they want to keep the Belgrade Pact even after the war with Austria, which AI will honor as long as Romania doesn't claim Serbian territory. Removed the option for releasing Greater Hungary as a single option in the annexation events, as it can still be formed by the individual regional annexation events. Otherwise, he will go to either the Fengtian Government, Hunan, Liangguang or Sichuan, preferring one controlled by a player. Fixed majors not improving their plane designs. Adjusted the Military High Command traits for the Commune of Frances Joseph Vuillemin and Martial Henri Valin. Jabal Shammar is no longer released as an Ottoman Emirate. Fixed a Shanxi response event not firing for Qing. Removed the increased LEP surrender limit. Authoritarian Bulgaria now releases Romania as SocCon, instead of AutDem. Fixed Polands Generalgouvernement Warschau puppet being blocked from its political national focuses. Sweden now loses the Industrial Sabotage national spirit if they become socialist.