fame indicators in astrology tumblr

Air moons in 4th tend to have lived / live in an environment when emotions are rationalized a lot. Cancer placement men especially Mars may like the idea of impregnating their partner. The Top 5 Fame Placement Indicators In the Natal Chart so if I'm blessed for educational pursuits(Jupiterin Sag in the 1st house) tell me why I dropped out of college?? They are relax and loving when giving you messages. The best philosophy for astrology is one of experiential application. Cancer placements love doing traditional things! (Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my work) @hillarysss Moon in Gemini/ Moon in 3rd- blunt astro observations : *:*:*:. Libra/Leo on the 10th or 11th house cusp - these signs make someone popular with people because of their charm. Just hit them up whenever, theyre like a best friend to everyone. Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #fame astrology with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumpik. Having a planet tightly conjunct MC could signify success and fame. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. : Check if the color of their eyes are different from each other or one lighter than the other. This is not said / noted enough but Pisces placements (especially the rising) tend to be very weird individuals who may have unconventional interests. Of course each planet manifests differently in everyones life. We often jump into mixing the energies and trying to make the full picture right off the bat but really learn each of your planets and nodes with intention! MC and Moon conjunct, and Venus and Ascendant conjunct are both excellent indicators in a natal birthchart for fame and success. (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. Youre sad and need validation? Dare I even say having Virgo is almost ideal to have for an Astrologer. Planet conjunct Midheaven - Midheaven is another important thing to look at in regards of fame. (Venus in 11th). They could have very loud coughs, etc. This placement may not necessarily point to fame, but it does point to success and prosperity in career. Spirit in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury, your spirit may be a twin that didnt reincarnate (an idea) or a twin flame that may have not reincarnated (general) rare, but possible with the spirit in Gemini & they embody the twins. Virgo mercuries are one of my absolute favorites. They will teach themselves a whole subject if they have to (If they find it interesting enough, they have so many interests). Note any major aspects. They are impulsive when it comes to you being stupid and could give very direct messages. Pisces placements tend to loose things and may not be able to find them for a while, the item could be under their bed literally. Venus touching Uranus would make someone admire more unconventional things (Astrology.). They have the talent to be able to fore-see disaster before it happens but they tend to have a very strong energy. They develop emotions when developing their wisdom. * Sun in 7th/10th Venus in Aries may like playing uninterested at times to see if the person is really down for them. Pluto - Ascendant individuals tend to be very blunt individuals and this could cause some reactions on other people. (As you should!) Simple. At worse could indicate lies around the home & twisted information. * Sun conjunct/opposite venus This is the general indicator. Leo placements love unique things and hate unoriginal & copies. Air moons could have a hard time giving comfort because they tend to find the logic in everything. 1.5M ratings When looking at your birth chart, look at the degrees your Personal Placements and your MC/10th House (which is what you're known for) are in. Fame Indicators in Astrology * Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th Mercury in scorpio probably makes you seem like more of a scorpio more than any other placement. Having the ruler in its own house always makes it very powerful. If you photoshop your ass, best believe an underdeveloped Leo placement will call you tf out. dramatic. Ive noticed Moon in Aries individuals at least once in life have gone through a phase of repression and resentment thus isolating themselves a bit, couldve struggle with explosive emotions. Planet being on top of 11th house cusp - Im not sure if thats the right way to call it, but basically a planet that is in 11th house and within 1 degree from the cusp. However, you may be quite skeptical of information that comes around you.. do try to be more open to it. People with Virgo placements may be very picky where they do their alone time things. Ex; Aries in 1st could be someone who constantly fights for themselves. People tend to love and look up to people with Sun in 10th & 11th & Sun dominants. Theyve could been made to focus a lot on heavy things rather than having fun. Mercury in Scorpio/ Mercury in 8th- This placement always long for the truth and is an investigator naturally. Spirit in Libra: Ruled by Venus, your spirit radiates balance and romantic energy. Unhealthily, may prefer it over their reality. You may have a fling or little romance with the placement that falls over your 5th. Your spirit embodies the fishes that swim at opposite directions. scorpio placements have a really intense way of communicating so scorpio mercuries may be mistakes for scorpio suns & big three scorpio placements. We dont normally consider mercury important in career or purpose finding, but it truly is. ( Libra in 7th). Capricorn placements as mother or fathers could be harsh on the child. Mercury - Lilith aspects tend to love testing other peoples reactions with things they say and this could get them in trouble, they also have wild imagination and are prone to thinking really sexual thoughts often. Or youll travel often and have fortune in foreign lands (though 12th house is indicative of this more so) Anyway, your 10th house, regardless of general belief doesnt really mean its your only area of career focus, the 10th house simply means your public self, your attitude toward your profession and your workplace disposition, how you are as a worker if you will. Dont stop a Mars in 11th person from doing anything they want, theyll just keep going and fighting for their dreams. aspects astrology aspect astro aspect aspects astro aspects astro advice astrology advice astrology facts astro facts facts fame indicators fame astrology celebrity astrology stellium . With North node in 12th these individuals attract people who wanna push them on a different path. Ive met a lot of Aries rising women with short cut bangs and wavyish hair like the amount Ive met with that combination is crazy & Omg and their noses are beautiful. People with Jupiter in 3rd may have an accent or / and speak a different language. Sun in the 10th/11th house-sun is naturally the house of vibrance, so these placements could make you popular, well liked, well known, or even famous. Scorpio in 2nd individuals may not like sharing and if they do share things then youre a very special individual. The planets that show up in this house are important as well. They achieve success not just through their mesmerizing beauty, but through their passion for their creative projects that they put out into the world. What you bring to the world. Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. . Mars in 4th= Trophies, Awards, Sporty Environment. Why you ask? Scorpio Risings / Pluto in 1st: When they find something interesting, they tend to dedicate an immerse amount of passion (maybe even obsession) towards it. Uranus in 8th / 5th individuals may have quick random hookups. Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. Aries energy can sometimes be confused for Scorpio energy (both intense). Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. I wouldnt be surprised if you were to take a Leo Venus phone and their camera roll is just them obsessing over their hot selves. MC in Leo- Leo is the sign of fame, so I dont really have to explain this one. Spirit in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury, your spirit radiates intellectual and perfectionist energies. Sun/chart ruler/11th house ruler/10th house ruler positively aspected by Venus and Jupiter - there are so many variations of this, but like for example Sun trine Jupiter etc. This zodiac sign naturally wants to be the best at what it does. rahu in the 10th house (the house of career) will make a person obsessive about rising to a powerful position, and it would make the person create illusions to get to the top. They may forget some things, but they never forget what you said on May 3rd 2019 3:10 A.M. Aquarius moons may have an interest in Science. Kim kardashian, Steve Jobs, Emma Watson, Madhuri dixit, and Adele. Theyre just really good at keeping it together on the outside. Ive never ever met a Capricorn rising that wasnt so beautiful. * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn Scorpio risings have a sparkle in their eyes and they tend to look very piercing, even if its a darker color, Ive noticed their eyes always stand out. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. They tend to have a road to self love. They may have a hard time controlling their laughter in and have a contagious smile. They can be very unique on their ways of sending you messages so it could be hard to predict. Libra/Leo on the 10th or 11th house cusp - these signs make someone popular with people because of their charm. A lot also overwork themselves to feel good, theyre over achievers but at what cost? Fame indicators in a Natal chart? | Astrologers' Community social media fame indicators aquarius midheaven gemini midheaven virgo midheaven gemini rising virgo rising jupiter in 3H jupiter in 11H part of fortune in 11H part of fortune in 3H 11H stellium 3H stellium north node in 3H north node in 11H planets at 11 fama asteroid (408) in 3H fama asteroid (408) in 11H They glow the best when relationships have clear boundaries and mutual trust. (Or any Major Pisces placement) Pisces moons / Risings may be luckier in a way and experience a lot of transformations somewhat like Scorpio do.. Spirit in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter, your spirit is expansive and extremely generous. Your spirit embodies the lion. Earth placements are the type to stay with things for a long time, they are not the type to get the brand new models right away. If you have pisces/ libra / aries anywhere Im just gonna assume you fangirl over anime characters. - Cap rising, Saturn in 1st are usually commercial faces due to their appearance that people would usually call aesthetically perfect. Example: Tarot Cards). Cancer moon can dominate the natives physical appearance. They may be seen as hard to get but yet appealing to the public. Fame Indicators in Astrology . Leo placements love being the attention pull on parties! You are brought to berealistic, disciplined, workaholic, organized this lifetime. The smaller the orb, the better. What are the indicators for fame in a chart? : r/astrology - reddit MC and Moon conjunct is very indicative of high career success. So having one of these signs on the cusp of this house and then having a well-placed Jupiter signifies fame. Jupiter ruling 11th house - Sagittarius and Pisces are both ruled by the planet of luck - Jupiter. Gemini placements are prone to being more stressed as it rules the nervous system. always amaze me. Personal planets at 5, 17, and 29. (they also love experimenting new things with their partners), Capricorn moons may have had a mother who worked a lot, the father figure may have motivated them / inspired them a lot more. Fire moons love running especially Aries. A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. Having these brings the effort and dedication to master things. (If youre into Vedic Astrology your Rahu and Ketu will be most important and your Saturn, there are more advanced techniques but these are the most standard ) All of these combined can create a perfect concoction of your purpose. Could have conflicting emotions and may try to fight themselves on things. #Fame indicators on Tumblr See a recent post on Tumblr from @thealchemistbae about Fame indicators. They could be mistaken as a Cancer rising often. Example; Closed the door, but for some reason they convinced themselves they didnt. They tend to put unrealistic standards on themselves. Spirit in Cancer: Ruled by the Moon, your spirit radiates femininity and motherly energy. This is kind of a theory, but fish represents fertility & happiness & intelligence. Could be slow readers and may avoid heavy paragraphs and may like things layed out for better concentration. Moon in Aries individuals could have a mother who motivated them to try out a lot of things for example sports early on. They attract people who wanna push them on a different path very often. - Virgo and Aquarius Mercury can have an obsession with having some mundane things in their life rigorously arranged in even or uneven numbers, becoming a constant focus of anxiety for them. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. Fire risings especially Leo are the biggest hype man / hype woman. They can be distinguished by having the perfect smile or by having crooked or more uniform teeth, giving them a visually pleasing/attractive character. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus Though.. they may over-think things like interactions & what to say.. Socializing can get very tiring for them. They both like a healthy amount of possessiveness, they just like the Youre mine attitude. Sun is where we shine the most and when its in this house, we shine in social groups, online and in public setting. Libra moons are the definition of sweethearts and truly try to keep things peaceful and pleasing and theyre the true suckers for aesthetically pleasing things, they wont tell you this but a lot do wear their hearts on their sleeves. - Virgos sun/rising ppl make their friends and relatives especially jealous of their friendship or connections with other people. If there is any other Astrologer indicators, this can make someone very passionate about Astrology and fiercely loyal to their dedication, they also emotionally attach themselves to Astrology. Lilith in 2nd house shows the native may be a sex worker or do sexual things for money. Jupiter in Pisces give of old soul vibes, theyre wise, theyre meant to teach their knowledge. They couldve also been very sporty since a young age / childhood. Soo many celebrities have this! Ariana Grande has this. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. They would develop passion for Astrology. you could suffer from something (again, general). A lot of real life Yanderes have this asteroid conjucting a lot of personal planets (but of course other afflicted placements come to play. So having one of these signs on the cusp of this house and then having a well-placed Jupiter signifies fame. Kylie Jenner has this. Urania being in the 12th can indicate youve done this before in a past live, could also indicate that you can connect spirituality to Astrology and find some interesting patterns. And so on. Understand it in the normal way youd understand the rising signs in the natal chart but in more of a subtle way + your natal rising sign combined will be the ultimate vibe + first impression. Mars in cancer individuals tend to be more on the physically weaker side. Kylie Jenner has this. 5 : short term fame; 17 , 29: long term fame . Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. Strong emotions. Women who have this in the 5th and 8th are the most seductive to men and sexually arousing. * Venus in 7th/9th Moon in Gemini/ Moon in 3rd- This dear placements is logic over heart, they need a constant need to be stimulated while learning. if biden wins I know so many of you are going to go back to not caring nearly enough, and this is not some holier than thou guilt trip gotcha like please actively check yourself because millions are going to suffer and continue to suffer under him as well. (And very attractive & a lot of beautiful models have this). They can be very direct and blunt when giving you messages and they push you to be very practical and realistic. islandgyali-blog liked this. You can rely on them for advice. Air placements can be the biggest internet trolls in my opinion, they can sometimes (Especially Gemini & Aquarius) argue for no reason online because they get some joy for teasing people. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! Coupled with your 11th house we see the gift you give and receive to others in the public sphere. This is because pisces placements can truly be themselves online, but theyre really shy in person. On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? Mercury in Gemini can find resources & brand new information. Look for messages from intense environments and more of darker ones too. Theyre very adaptable. Sagittarius moons (And fire moons generally) love the thrill of new experiences in love & they usually love the chase. Men with harsh Lilith in their chart may get falsely accused of tabboo things. They absorb a lot of energies. A lot of Astrologers/ Spiritual people tend to have Uranus - North node. JISOO!! but a lot of people with this placements suffer from a lot of intrusive thoughts. It will make a much more direct / blunt influence (1,13,25,37,49). (Theory) 8th house rules enemies as well. You may attract people who wanna dig up on your past and use what you have said against you. Having Libra and Pisces in your big three makes you too generous to a fault. In my opinion, Leo Venuses act more Leo like than any other placement. Examples: Lewis Carroll - Alice In Wonderland (Aquarius), William Shakespeare - Romeo And Juliet (Taurus), Dracula - Bram Stoker (Scorpio). They may specialize in sending you messages in relaxed outdoor settings like a butterfly or a literal bull. . Like pisces placements Ive met are soooo weirdd. If you have capricorn mars Im gonna assume you mentally and physically can not live if that project isnt done nicely. This can also at the same time make them addicted & love the internet. People with Uranus in 3rd may like to get inspired from other peoples ideas but make it have their own touch to it. Leo placements may swear people are obsessive over them, yet they be flirting / loving anyone right away, theyre truly affectionate people and I love them for that but c'mon dont be surprised when people literally love you so much. They tend to embody Cancer physical traits. You love to be a physical spirit guide. - Fun fact Tumblr was a bitch today and turned black and half of this was deleted so a lot of this was remade from other thoughts of my brain. An exalted planet in any of your charts- An exalted Venus gives beauty and talent in the arts. Sagittarius placements could have gotten thetime out corner a lot when young. Leo risings this is a theory so I may be right or wrong but since its descendant its in Aquarius they couldve attracted some romance online?? do not steal. Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. Etc. (Check other placements). Uranus influence - Uranus rules fame, so having it positively influencing someones chart points to fame. * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn Why do the walls look weird?. They have a lot of hidden enemies who dont want them to succeed. Many celebrities have this placement, like Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, Selena Gomez, Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, Zayn Malik, John Mayer there are countless celebrities with this placement. (Especially Virgo placements), People with Ceres in Air signs / Air houses may give comfort to others more verbally and intellectually than nurturing. Yeah thats a Scorpio mercury / Scorpio placement, Moon in Aries individuals hate toxic everything they are definitely not the type to pull with any bullshit.. no second chances that is unless theyre emotionally involved. One way you can distinguish a Scorpio rising is by looking into their eyes and seeing how deep watery and mesmerizing they are, you tend to get lost in their eyes. People with Mercury in 9th tend to be very knowledgeable people, knowing a lot about anything. They need friends who will motivate them and not bring them down. If you had good karma from a past life time thats what you shall receive, if you had some bad karma to work out there would be some work youd have to do in this earth, what youre called to do. Mercury imultifaceted and key in almost every single facet of our lives. This reflection is amplified within the twin flame relationship, but it is not unique to that connection. Air sign & Pisces degrees & Sagittarius Degrees- Degrees impact the chart and us in general and how we come off. They also love to spoil you. It is below Leo's dignity to do work that is not high quality, or to associate themselves with anything that is not excellent. For example a Libra North Node May find themselves interested in some sort of artistic pursuit or relational work or legal work. - Jupiter at 5 in the 10th House: t. Your spirit embodies the archer. (observation), Cancer + Libra in a chart can make someone very charming and comforting and easily likeable.. examples: jessica lange, sarah paulson, brad . Whatever planet is in your 1st, you will attract or / and people confuse you of. Pisces rising women tend to be very slim with somewhat of a curve but not too curvaceous, they tend to have very nice waistline. Venus in Virgos & Virgo placements tend to like a routine or at least adore the idea of a routine. (Observation), People with Fire moons / fire mars get extremely and mean extremely pissed when someone is messing with their friends, Gemini placements are the type to troll random people on the internet. Jupiter uranus gives an interest to gain knowledge in eccentric interests. They both hate unoriginal stuff. Ironically, these people are very good at work and details. Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. This placement can make you naturally stand out. do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. This is also a great indicator of creativity within the career. They couldve been a past lover / beautiful person that impacted you in a past life time. blessed in friends, support, and community: Astrology Notes: Indicators of Fame and Success, Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart. 29 is a Leo degree, which indicates talent, attention, etc. Sagittarius degrees would make you more inclined to develop your wisdom & share it with others. Saturn and South Node are aspects Ive recently touched on mostly explaining their significance in control and growth for ourselves. Mercury rules tricks and these people can charm their way out of anything. Leo placements have this influence that makes other feel small this is even more exaggerated if there is pluto & scorpio influence. Please do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Pisces risings can be somewhat aggressive and possessive when it comes to their own material things & belongings, and somewhat impatient. 11th house stellium - 11th house is the house of fame, internet and social groups. Could indicate an authority figure who tried to control how they presented themselves. (Totally random, but they rule the hands. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. Cancer risings in composite can be the one couple everyone is likeOh yeah, theyre definitely having kids they could be seen as long term for family. The best places to learn astrology are tumblr,amino,twitter and youtube. You are brought here to learn to see things from a different perspective as well. if your chiron is in 3rd youre telling me people usually think youredumb because you process thoughts way differently. Being in the dark with a candle on is ideal for them. Marilyn Monroe, Ariana grande, Taylor Swift, and Cristiano Ronaldo have this. Emma Watson has her 11th ruler in her 8th house. Their intuition is always right about things & people. Their directness and bluntness could be a problem. Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. not sure what to call it). People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. Taurus placements may like grounding areas, they may like leafs specifically, and tend to like more of a nature like environment for them to relax in. - good sun-moon aspects usually indicate strong, long lasting relationships, - good moon-mercury aspects indicate almost an effortless understanding and communication, lots of empathy, (disclaimer: i just wrote these in my notebook & there might be some not in my own words, bc i googled to find out more about a lot of them; this is therefore simply a collection of aspects).