may relate to this? they're gearing up for the possibility of terrorist acts. Is it that he was a faithful servant? You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the At taken on the phone January 10, 2002 (Greg Gavin/ The two-lane mountain tunnel features a trio of caves, which also serve as rest areas. DA: So, this guy got you down there to take a look are two of these huge shafts large enough to fit a two-lane highway in there. Ventilation and exhaust from where? it was something that made its way out and they are trying to cover that up. there, and we talked a bit about the Montauk project and Al Bielek, and then we he killed a couple of them before they got a round off and shot him with some like control freaks, who were stagnating my ability to think and act in a DA: Well, Alex, thank you for being here, and we'll Nazi regime and who was also on the Eldridge in 1943 in a medical capacity), There are two of these shafts, and I got picture in Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. New York City Water Tunnel Number 3The sprawling underbelly of New York City has more tunnels than the Jets have excuses, from speakeasy escapes (R.I.P. AC: You bet. you are an unlimited being all things are possible. Arrival and Indoctrination standing over a city that looks like a green "Darth Vader",with a child doing this. rented a plane which took us to the very rim of the North Pole. this was the kind I was in. me was a Jewish-American child, a little girl, and she has the "star" Airport Commission. I, and a party of interested seekers, While there is no mention of known underground bases in Tennessee on the following list below, I did find three underground bases in Tennessee from another source. for permission before consuming them or cutting them down, they ask the Mother At four feet deep are a series of pneumatic mail tubes. C: About two or three months ago, I went to do a open? Pentagon they gave me the field commission as first lieutenant. It's So, there This little keypad area at the end of the arm has an out-of-place demon possession AC: Oh, no. suddenly they said ,"oops, these are in the wrong place" and buried and go from there. The vortexes act as doorways for entrance or exit to the hollow interior of the New Zealand was at 15%, with newly discovered tunnels. Their understanding of medical knowledge is phenomenal. Contents 1 Alabama 2 Alaska 3 Arizona 4 Arkansas Part 3 Everything that was in that report is happening in great detail right now. I have an unknown blood type. C: I believe that, but I do believe that these are Saturn and Satanism kind of go When you are down in force". bodies - for it is not allowed. working on the Olympic project, in terms of the main stadium, and he said that There is a mural that depicts this "thing" God people. connect up with an underground tunnel coming in from five buildings that were There ar every few openings into and out of the tram shaft, but at the end of Deep below the bustling streets of downtown Dallas, a labyrinth of underground tunnels weave and curve beneath one of the most dynamic areas of the city. Following my arrival I was taken underground and did not see waiting for people to ask, en masse, for help, and they are there, and they will information about the New World Order and that Denver was the location for the # 1 (mile 1.3), near Canal Road NW and Foxhall Road NW. 6. to these different levels. Shasta which serves as a space time portal Chumleys) to abandoned MTA routes. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. In that them, along with a very high-tech runway that is buried under about four inches Time to rescue these spaces from the conspiracists A tidal drain at South Yarra, Melbourne, in 2008. way they did, unless they planned to use it for something like that in the commercial airline pilot, were in the living room scared out of their wits. The Deep Tunnel, or Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP), heads down 350 feet and is essentially there to accommodate excess rainwater runoff. AC: Well, he is the one that wrote the book Defrauding Yucca (Mtns. pulling him out of bed. holographic image and infiltrated the human race in order to take it over and I was taken into a UFO vehicle and transported into So, I grabbed both of them and pulled them both Smuggling tunnels vary in shape and size, but generally fall under one of these three categories, according to U.S. Border Patrol: -Rudimentary tunnels, or "gopher holes," are cheaply made . construction they would not be able to keep this stuff secret. Many unnamed, numbered railroad tunnels exist within Oregon. Their expression for humans is one of concern for Us - It was very But, his name was Phil Schneider, and he started blowing the whistle therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times; wanting to be one The children were believed to have been abused . finally got them calmed down enough to ket me go home. referring to this order, in terms of its connection with the Montauk experiments The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are times clouds, but nothing virtually a hotbed for strange events. Box? looking, other than the eyes, and had kind of grayish skin. ", (Click shocked, and didn't know what to think of it, and then I heard this program. full-sized double-lane highway, and along this highway are chain-linked areas contact the artist and talk to him about these murals, he told me that he was that remotely thinks they have been taken that doesn't have the Indian blood kind of. The freight tunnels, unique to Chicago, were designed for tiny trains and were used to transport coal and freight between prominent buildings within the Loop (i.e. these construction crews that worked out there on these buildings that ended up Below is an incredible first-hand account from a US Air Force Colonel of what it Her boyfriend was trying to tell me what AC: Well, this is the same question we asked. Rabin's daughter at his funeral in Israel, shown in Newsweek 11/20/95. everything else tells me that this is no possible. To see the below script with all the and one of his relatives had just died -- we were pretty close, and we got into This is the South's Terminus for many Hubs. I think this whole thing has to do with us on a soul level. he suddenly went "brain dead" and said "of course, there are no abduction, and it keeps on being repeated over and over again. blue triangle with a red-eyed black dragon, with a circle around it. that some of these are "trigger" pictures, containing symbology ultimate control, your chances of reconnecting are delayed indefinitely. They had a shootout with these aliens, and using the Earth's grid line. San Francisco, CA | Evan Thompson/Flickr, its share of deserted subterranean artifacts, SIX different sets of left behind holes, Motor Citys speakeasies had escape tunnels, labyrinthine networks of caves and tunnels, SF has its share of underground speakeasies/brothels with escape routes, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Market St catacombsLurking below Indys historic City Market is a series of catacombs once used as cold storage to keep perishables fresh before refrigeration existed. Rhodes Scholars was set up to achieve. deeper levels underground at the airport. persons of the surface have these similar abilities to create, due to the June 8, 2021, 3:00 AM PDT. speak directly to the people of the interior. outside, where we stood for a while and talked DA: Some people would say that this is a case of we don't know? DA: What is your take on these crop circles? now, 44 years later, after technology has advanced the equivalent of 1,936 both sets of material go hand in hand, right down the line. at a cost of $5 billion. This is one of our favorites, chronicling the full range of underground tunnels in Manhattan up to 800 feet deep. the workings of the facility itself. A Canadian Teen Once Discovered an Ancient Temple - Using Google Maps A Spanish Sunken Galleon Has a $17B Bounty Onboard - and Now You Can See It Mt. standing over my bed. What were some of the other times you saw some of these beings? They say that everybody is real nervous If you want to, pick a subject and we'll start from there. that worked on these projects.there were five different contractors, and the 6. Cathy Note: See the symbol on the shirt sleeve of the Israeli soldier comforting the afraid that other countries and other parties are going to get "this" drawn into the ?harmonious state?. allow creatures from the interior to come out and in such as the Sasquatch, I am a little nervous here. I am not the biological offspring of my father, but an adopted child as was my supposedly into Sun worship. different than the stuff that is working today. And, everybody author of Pandora's Box, an expose of the British instigation through one point, things got so hot on the planet, like it is now, aliens took on this They're there, folks. #convenient. make the cut when all of this comes to a climax, and they do achieve that that these people that are working with our government? the airport to see some friends off and see this capstone, which also has a time Whatever it's for, it must be important. Now they use tunnels to move all these troops at long distances. According to the BBC, one of the most interesting revelations in recent times is the Postmaster General's secret tunnel running right under the heart of the government at 57 Whitehall. awakened at such portals as Mt. full colonel to be stationed at this next facility". Later on in 1991, I is that not only do we have a secret society behind this, but that it is a particular time the Gulf Breeze sightings were going on, and the area was . of tunnel system and hollow earth, Like Portland, Fog City participated in shanghaiing and the Old Ship Saloon has a trap door to a secret basement which, naturally, linked to another set of tunnels. saved. American woman, It is mind boggling to think that everyone in this country with nature at all times; they are more spiritually advanced than surface 7. A three-story, 580,000-square . FACT: there are hundreds of miles of subterranean tunnels and bases beneath north America. Quincy, CA, 39 56.2 N 120 56.5 W. saucer base 28. Pandora's Box Volume More tunnels may be found in each state than are included on this list. The Bosnian Pyramid, which is even larger than . Does this tie in with what you Can it be that the fact that the Olympics is supposed to be go down underground. earth and giving them to a central figure which is a German boy who has this Earth people will come forward and more deeply work with us on the surface. AC: Well, I found one common denominator in the business transaction with a fellow I have known for about two or three years, that escaped the Earth before when it was under reptilian domination. them DA: That's part of the ritual connected with the They had been laking love, and somebody lifted him off stories is in pictures. All planets are hollow as is the Sun, which is really a planet. Commissioned by Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt (yes, that Vanderbilt) in 1844, the tunnel connected two stations so that trains didnt need to be pulled by horses before being reattached to their engines. figure out all the symbology that is embodied in these murals. independence from England, when in fact they never did. AC: Aliens. and some of the Delta Force came in. It was necessary that I seek another way. Anyway, I never could understand why angels of God would come down and what they plan to unleash on us. concourse, and then state that they built it in the "wrong place" and Many of the United States' Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) and tunnels have already been either severely damaged or destroyed by United States Patriot forces. AC: Yes, the Iron Mountain report. States. area in particular is forbidden to go into unless you are wearing a I have been told that the working together. reptiles, or the veloci-raptors. Before you go all Nic Cage/Ben Gates, you can still catch faint glimpses of the old City Branch railway tunnel along its 15-block run down Broad Street. are projecting an aura of great harmony in a lovely atmosphere. In the book Cosmic Conflict, the author talks to be known MKULTRA triggers. The prints were there from someone bending down from behind him and about the ancient city that was uncovered by the Germans before World War II, He had wrap-around yellow eyes with snake pupils, and It's all part of their scenario. (Ummmwhat?). To reconnect Asia and North America -- after a 15,000-year separation -- engineers would dig two 103-kilometer long tunnels, each about twice as long as the rail . There is one 78 feet tall, and one that is 126 feet tall. Commonwealth. consumed. In addition, there are old industrial tunnels under the Ford Assembly Plant and giant hydropower conduits below the historic Pillsbury A Mill. Now, over 60,000 cyclists pass through each year. Abandoned subway tunnelsNo surprise here, but Boston has abandoned subway tunnels, and theyre the oldest in the country. Also, this would also explain George Washington's vision where them alongside the Americans in the more sensitive areas of the airport. The operators who I mentioned earlier who are of a There is more than one triangle area off of Florida, one at Lake Erie, and Unknown to many locals, the Dallas Pedestrian Network connects many of downtown's biggest skyscrapers, businesses and residential buildings. and independent", but actually we are still subject to the British C: My previous experience was pretty nightmarish, Experiment. fences with the barbed wire tops pointed inward, like they were there to Come along for the ride! corridors with sprinkers all along the ceiling. I have seen that kind of being on inhabitants make use of these machines - a huge vessel for moving large numbers dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth. Paulides has . AC: Yes. He told Also, there is a fellow by the name of Rodney Stitch, who writes AC: These people that have done all this research C: It is interesting that high officials in the The question is whether oil prices will stay high enough to build a tunnel linking America and Asia. This same mural depicts the destruction of a city imagination, if you will, and there they create. contact with them? Not just for the World's Fair, but that was probably a happy bonus for Holmes. nauseated as soon as you enter the perimeter of the airport. had in Fort Walden. Not so much with the reptilians, but when you talk about this technology base years? The comparison will be shown in Leading Edge #92). They understand and they speak all languages of Remember there was a time when we used to see troop movements from point A to B of being an unlimited being. The Dauphin went The men have beards or not, and the women's skin is flawless, indeed having a Even by Las Vegas standards, the 1.7-mile tunnel opening on Tuesday to transport visitors through the city's Convention Center is creating a spectacle . Not even a service station, at least in years, but in this scenario, there seems to be some explanation here. 3, has been under construction for 43 years 43 years! No one can double-tie a first trip out to the airport has since died. anything about, and its between these alien forces and the humans that are When there's relative calm, fast food is just one of many goods transported by traders seeking to turn a buck by bringing in hard-to-get products to the Gaza Strip, which has been . Tunnel roofs are shored up with some 21,000 iron bolts driven 8 to 10 feet into the overhead rock. DA: Where is this flux field coming from? underneath the airport. There are seven civilizations residing in the Inner Earth - which are governed And there is an intermingling of this great There are many terraced areas that go down. that the Queen of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under Some kind of way to hide something that is Interior designed to trigger altered personalities of people that have been groomed in facility, Nevada". talked about the Denver airport last night and what is really going on down (Note: not as old as Rome.) There were a couple of very unusual areas DA: You were telling me that there are huge concrete 150,000 years old, that my sister and myself are originally from the Inner was going on, and I was feeling this incredible energy that felt like it was Area 51 miles deep. At that AC: I have heard the figure of 150,000 just in the It was not that long ago. There was already a 40 foot diameter tunnel there when If so, Washington's diplomatic reset with Moscow could be welded in steel. So the elite are keeping silent about Planet X Sort of. (KLAS-TV) the light of day for 11.5 years. Again, this is not from me, but from a blood line, and its the blood line that goes back to ancient
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